Wolf-Spider II

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The thieves had chosen to land in some canyon. Miwa had hopped off when they began to descend, and she currently hid by the deflated balloon. The rest of the group had hopped down one level and waited for the chasing mafia members to find them. A hundred or so men and women in tuxedos had gathered at the bottom of the canyon, and the group of thieves looked down on them.

Miwa couldn't see their faces, but she could hear them.

"There's a whole crowd," laughed the boy with blond hair.

"I don't have to clean this up, do I?" Shizuku asked.

"No, they don't matter," answered Feitan.

"Oy, stay out of this," growled the burly man. "I'll handle it."

The man slid down to the bottom of the canyon.

Miwa couldn't hear anything at the bottom since she was too far away and the wind was very strong at the top of the canyon. She laid flat on her belly, looking down the ledge.

Popcorn would be nice, Kurama commented, and Miwa agreed.

What happened next could only be described as a one-sided massacre as the burly man used his bare hands to snap necks, and rip the mafia members apart limb from limb.

"His philosophy is to be stronger than anyone. A mere bullet wouldn't phase him," mused the samurai.

"Physically, he's the strongest," agreed the blond boy.

The largest man with the gun fingers muttered, "It's like watching a gorilla stomping ants."

"Oh?" the samurai gestured off in the distance where more cars had arrived. "They just keep coming."

"They came all the way here just to die?" laughed the big man.

"Just watching isn't any fun," the blond boy said. "Wanna play cards?"

"Sure," the pretty pink haired lady said. Miwa thought her hair looked really soft and she wondered what it would feel like to touch it.

They all sat down and started to doll out the cards.

Their game of cards was way more interesting than the slaughter below.


Because they kept trying out cheat each other. Miwa was admittedly very impressed with their underhanded skills. She wasn't very good at Bullshit—the game they were currently playing—but she thought it looked like great fun.

'I wish I could play,' she thought.

She decided to ask if Gon and Killua would play with her when she got back.

She learned their names as they played.

The burly man fighting with Uvo. The blond boy with a cheerful voice and cruel eyes was named Shalnark. The pretty pink haired lady was named Machi. Samurai man was Nobunaga. Man with gun fingers was named Franklin.

Miwa did her best to commit their names to her memory.

Suddenly there was a vibration in her back pocket. It startled Miwa and she pulled out her Totoro-93 phone. It took her a minute to remember how to get to the messages, and another minute to work through what it said.

From: Killua

Message: Where are you?

'I guess I should probably head back. It is kind of late,' Miwa thought as she squinted at the time on the phone.

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