Lammergeier VIII

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Gon and Killua trained with Miwa for thirty days. They exclusively studied how to utilize chakra, both boys able to spar atop water, and use small ninjutsus in their chosen element. They weren't able to effectively use ninjutsu during battle, but Miwa knew it was only a matter of time.

At the end of those thirty days, Kite came to test the boys on whether they were ready to help fight the Chimera Ants.

Miwa didn't care to watch, so she opted to check up on her city while they did that. She got to take Kalluto out for lunch since he was staying in the city with Shalnark and Nobunaga helping plan out a heist. By the time she returned—three hours later—her friends were tired but pretty dang happy.

Gon and Killua had passed Kite's test.

"We're going to the Republic of East Gorteau," said Kite. "The ants are planning something there. We'll take the train and meet with others."

"Okey dokey," said Gon.

"Train leaves in an hour—take care of any unfinished business you have here."

"Will do," said Killua.

"We'll see you at the station," Miwa promised.


As the three children packed up their belongings at the hotel they were staying at, Miwa decided to brave a question.

Miwa mumbled softly, "Do you—do you two think the ants should be exterminated?"

Killua shrugged, storing his clothes in the storage scroll he had created with Miwa's guidance. "A line has to be drawn somewhere."

Gon nodded. "I mean it was fun fighting them, but it'd kinda suck if humanity was wiped out."

Miwa fiddled with her fingers. "And if they just stayed in their country? Or, um, stopped?"

Gon and Killua exchanged a look. Killua asked, "Miwa, what do you really want?"

"I—I want to see if maybe we can find a peaceful solution. When we go on this excursion, could you two—I mean—would it be—I mean—" Miwa rubbed her face. "I know they've, um, killed a lot of humans but so did—I mean—"

"Miwa, do you want to try to make nice with the human-eating ants?" Gon asked nicely. Miwa nodded sheepishly. "Okay. We can try to make nice with the human-eating ants."

"You're both insane. They're human-eating giant ants," Killua reminded them.

"And," said Gon, "if I remember right, Kurama is human-eating giant fox demon?"

"Oh," said Killua while Miwa nodded again. Killua sighed. "Fine. I might let some of them live."

"Thanks guys..."

They patted her head.

"Besides, you're making friends with the strong ones, right?" Gon cheerfully asked.

"Trying to," she said. "They're, um, pretty hard to get close to."

"You made friends with a giant human-eating nine-tailed fox though, right?"


Gon patted her shoulder. "Then I know you can do it with a few ants. I believe in you, Miwa."

Miwa's eyes shined, her cheeks turning rosy. "Oh. Thank you."

"And if not, we'll set them on fire and make s'mores over their bodies, okay?"

He's growing up well.

"Yeah!" Miwa chirped while Killua gave Gon a look of disbelief.


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