Wolf-Spider V

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Miwa hummed happily to herself as she lounged on the bed and played with her phone. She still had the sweet smell of lavender in her nose from their bubble bath. The bath bomb turned out to be quite a delight, turning the whole thing into a sudsy palace that smelled delightful. Her mood had considerably improved since her argument with Kurapika, but when she thought about him—

'Stupid bastards,' she sourly thought. Thinking about the situation left a bitter taste in her mouth. It was late and her best friends were sound asleep in their bed, but she was wide awake and mulling over what had happened.

She gave up on rest after another hour. She reached for her phone and sent a message.

To: Chrollo

Message: can meet ? .

From: Chrollo

Message: Yes.


She snuck out as the storm hit a fever pitch. She placed a hiraishin mark at their hideout, so she teleported there. She wasn't surprised to find that the warehouse had become nearly filled to the brim with boxes of loot they had stolen from the auction. She looked around, happy to find familiar faces, but then she saw—

"AH!" she let out a shriek, jumping away and pointing dramatically at Hisoka. "YOU STALKED US HERE?!"

Wow. That's a determined masochist.

"Stalked?" The samurai, Nobunaga if she remembered correctly, asked in surprise.

"You're stalking kids?" Shalnark questioned Hisoka, a touch of disdain in his tone.

Maybe he's not here for you? Kurama idly guessed.

'Who else—THE CUTIE!'

"Don't worry, kitten, I'll protect you," Miwa declared as she leapt in front of Feitan, hellbent on making sure Hisoka didn't try anything.

"I don't need protection," hissed Feitan, clearly offended by her insinuation.

Chrollo coughed. "You wanted to talk, Miwa?"

"Oh... right," she said, still glaring suspiciously at Hisoka.

"He won't attack," Chrollo tried to soothe.

"If he does, say the word and I'll kick his ass. I'm not supposed to kill him 'til Gon kicks his butt, but I can definitely maim," she said.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't maim any members of the troupe," said Chrollo.

'Ugh. Why do people keep wanting to keep him alive? He's so creepy. Wait—member?!'

Her face screwed up like she bit into a rotten lemon. "Ugh. He's a member? I have to say, I am severely disappointed by your judgment."

'I don't think I'll be joining the troupe as long as Hisoka's in it.'

Chrollo's nen glimmered in a way that reminded Miwa of when Kurama didn't want to admit he was amused by her. "You wanted to talk?"

"Yeah. Um... is now okay?" she asked, curiously tilting her head. She twitched in surprise when Nobunaga draped an extra blanket over her shoulders. She looked up at him, blinking. "Huh?"

"Little girls shouldn't be teleporting into hideouts with nothing but a nightgown," said Nobunaga, his tone slightly scolding.

"Oh," she said, a little touched by his action.

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