Hyena V

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Beta: TaintedLetter

I'm back! Already have the next few chapters pre-written too. ^^


Miwa yawned widely, rubbing at her eyes.

Everything was coming together bit by bit.

The city of trash was no more, replaced by a vibrant forest. Most of the infrastructure had finished construction and now the residents were moving into houses. Miwa now spent her days on the logistics side.

The city was self-sufficient. Most of the power was derived from renewable energy—solar panels at the top of the trees, and wind panels on the outskirts. Managing that power wasn't something Miwa knew much about so she had to hire people who did, and in turn have them teach a select few residents of the new city.

She also had to kidna—find some tree and bug experts that would look after the forest. She was fortunate enough that the ones she too—assisted in relocating fell in love with the city and wanted to permanently live there.

So: infrastructure: check. Power: check. Food: check. Water: check.

Economy: wip. Government: wip. Education: wip. Medical: wip. Misc things she hadn't thought of yet: wip.


"What?" Miwa blinked tiredly, looking up at Chrollo.

There had been a kind of town-hall that was built. The city planners said the city would need a central building for its main government body. Kikyo agreed with them, and insisted on them designing an office Miwa would be comfortable in.

Miwa had been hesitant at that, but then Kikyo pointed out something that Miwa hadn't really thought about.

"You're going to be the leader of that city, aren't you?"

Miwa had only wanted to make a good place for Kurama to live in after her death. She hadn't thought about ruling it. She was going to be heading back out on adventures with Gon and Killua as soon as they were done with their game, after all!

But once the idea was in Miwa's head, she couldn't disregard it entirely, so she talked to Chrollo about it. He was smart, after all. He read a lot of books and seemed to always have an answer for her.

Chrollo, Feitan, and Miwa were in Miwa's designated office at the constructed town hall. After Miwa had explained that Kikyo told her to become the new leader of the city, Miwa relayed the idea to Chrollo and asked for his input.

The Phantom Troupe leader was silent for so long that Miwa almost dozed standing up.

When he finally did speak, Miwa was startled.

"S-Sorry," said Miwa, rubbing her eyes again.

Feitan's eyes narrowed as he assessed her. Coldly, he asked, "When was the last time you slept?"

"I dunno. I'm sorry, could you please repeat what you said, Chrollo?"

"I said," Chrollo repeated," it would be good for the city if you did take leadership."

"Even though I don't plan to stick around indefinitely?" Miwa curiously asked.

"A good government should be able to operate independently of its central leader when the need arises," said Chrollo. "You mentioned you wanted to create a safe place for your friend. As a leader, you could influence the laws to assist with that."

"Oh." Miwa smiled. "I hadn't thought of that. You're right. Can you also be a leader?"

Chrollo smiled in amusement at that. "You want the leader of the Phantom Troupe to also be the leader of this city?"

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