Lammergeier I

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"So you own a country now?" Gon summarized as he nibbled on the scones in Miwa's office.

"Exactly how often did you visit my family?" asked Killua.

"Yes," answered Miwa.

"That's so cool. What's it like?"

"I dunno. I don't really do anything anymore," said Miwa with a shrug. "I mean, I stamp things?"

"That didn't really answer my question," said Killua.

"What kind of things?" asked Gon.

Miwa gestured to the stack of paperwork on her desk. "I dunno. Chrollo puts it on my desk and tells me to stamp it. I stamp it. And if I'm not here and it needs stamped, he stamps it."

"Miwa," said Killua.


"Did my—did my family do anything to you?" he hesitantly asked.

"They were very nice," Miwa explained with a smile. "Your momma was very helpful. And look at what Kalluto made me."

Miwa did a little twirl to show off her outfit. It was silky smooth. It glistened when the sun hit it just right. They had even used silk specially woven with nen so it wouldn't be immediately destroyed if she used Kurama's chakra. She loved it.

Killua sighed. "As long as... as long as you're okay, I guess."

"Mm-hmm! So tell me all about what happened."



Miwa had a few things to take care of before she could leave with Gon and Killua. She first had to let Chrollo and the others know. Chrollo already had a hand in managing the state affairs—although only she and the Troupe members knew that—and he decided to continue to do so for a while longer.

"Are you sure?" Miwa asked with concern. Chrollo had denied an official position. He'd be operating from the shadows, giving Miwa the credit.

"Exceedingly so."


She wasn't about to say no to that. She trusted Chrollo.

And if he turned out to betray her, well... Kurama told her exactly how to handle that situation.

Nobunaga and Shalnark wished her well on her journey, both promising to have mastered the basics in chakra by the time they met up again. Feitan, who was learning the shadow clone technique, sneered at her and said, "Finally, you're leaving."

"I'll miss you too," said Miwa without missing a beat. He really did remind her so much of her dear Kurama. Although not as petty.

With her affairs sorted out she returned to Gon and Killua and the three friends finally set out on their next adventure. They activated the teleportation spell Gon had acquired as his prize for beating the game, using Ging as their target to teleport to.

Or at least, who they thought was Ging.


Sakura petals blew through the breeze, one of them landing on Miwa's nose. She wiped away at it, glancing around the foggy area. They had been transported somewhere very far. She couldn't sense any hiraishin marks nearby, so even her clones hadn't reached so far away. They were far out from civilization judging by how crisp and clean the air smelled. There was a heavy fog in the area, but nothing too debilitating.

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