Margay VIII

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Illumi continued to watch his brother act so strangely, confused and suspicious. Killua paid him no mind as he returned beside Miwa with an abashed smile. Miwa reached forward and affectionately poked his cheek.

"Thanks," he muttered shyly, scratching the back of his head.

"What are friends for?" Miwa returned. "Just make sure you win your next match."

He did.

The final match was between Leorio and the oldest contestant.

And to be frank, the oldest contestant was definitely going to kick Leorio's ass. Leorio was lanky, uncoordinated, and only had stubbornness on his side. Whereas the older opponent had experience, skill, and actual combat talent.

Miwa wasn't as fond of Leorio and Kurapika as she was Gon and Killua, but she did recognize that Leorio was Gon's friend and seeing the teenager get beaten around wasn't fun.

So Kurama, ever the helpful friend, suggested: Just cheat.


You are a kunoichi and a fox demon's vessel. Cheating is in your blood.

'Cheat how?'

You could try using a suggestive genjutsu on the older contestant to make him think like he needs to forfeit.

'And why do this now and not for Gon?!'

I know I'm amazing, but you can't expect me to have an answer for everything that makes you uncomfortable right away.

'I suppose expecting perfection from you is a bit much.'

I am perfect. I'm just not perfect at keeping humans alive and not beaten.

Miwa resisted the urge to point out the contradictory of that statement, biting the inside of her cheeks instead.

She supposed it would be a good way to test how sensitive non-chakra users were to her genjutsu. She knew it worked on them since it successfully deterred them on the island, but would it be noticeable by some of the stronger nen-users like Netero?

Only one way to find out.

Miwa tucked her hands behind her back and formed the seal's for tengoku no kenkai, or heaven's viewing.

The older contestant stumbled in his punch toward Leorio and then shook his head. Miwa reapplied the genjutsu again, adding a touch more chakra behind it, and then the older contestant fell back onto his bum.

This caused some surprise from Leorio.

Even more surprising was when the old man uttered, "I forfeit."

"Huh?" came Leorio.

"Huh?" came several other contestants.

Miwa released her genjutsu, and brushed her pigtails back over her shoulder.

"And that," Netero cheerfully said, his gaze lingering on Miwa, "is the conclusion of the Hunter Exam. Congratulations to all who won."


The actual licenses would be handed out in a few hours. Everyone had to get their photo taken, and there was some paperwork involved.

When Miwa saw the paperwork handed to her she audibly gulped. Killua, with a roll of his eyes, grabbed the stack of paperwork for Miwa and said, "I'll fill out out for you."

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