Lioness III

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Nen training and chakra training were done in between matches and whenever Gon and Killua had a moment to spare. The two boys had a true affinity for nen, perfectly transforming their energy to something akin to Wing's. Chakra on the other hand proved exceedingly difficult.

"It's like trying to grab smoke with your bare hands," Killua had complained during one session.

Their very core instincts were telling them to use nen, and keep the ratio entirely in favor of physical. Going against that instinct was proving to be a true challenge for both of them.

But, they were at least able to get a leaf to stick to their forehead for a solid two and a half seconds within the first week of training.

They wouldn't be able to move on past the leaf lesson until they could move the leaf around their body for at least an hour—a feat that sounded like it would take months for the boys to complete.

Still, they were determined and it was hard to deny their enthusiasm to learn.

(Miwa thought they looked especially cute when their eyes lit up at the simple idea of being able to use ninjutsu.)

At the end of the week, the trio had claimed enough consecutive victories to climb up to the 200th floor.

They took the elevator up, Gon excitedly bouncing in place with a big goofy grin on his face. "What's the 200th floor like, you think?"

"Who cares," Killua said, his hands shoved deep into his pocket.

The bell chimed on the elevator and the three of them stepped off. The 200th floor certainly had a luxurious feel to it, with soft red carpeting, golden accented decor, and warm lights hanging above.

It also smelled like cinnamon apples, which Miwa greatly appreciated. The three began to head down the hallway toward the reception and stopped short in a dark hallway.

The reason they had stopped was because of the blatantly thick malicious aura that permeated it.

Is this a challenge? Kurama cooed.

'Certainly feels like it,' Miwa thought, a little annoyed at their arrogance. Whoever was at the end of the hallway certainly had to be stupid, or craving for death. She thought the aura felt a little familiar—so maybe she had run into its owner before?

"Nen?" Gon questioned.

"Gotta be," Killua agreed. "Come on, let's go."

Miwa took the lead, the least unaffected. It was certainly aggravating that someone decided to lust for her blood at the drop of a hat, but that was the best attention she could give it.


Of what?

She couldn't sense anyone in this tower with a core near her own size, let alone big enough to outlast her and Kurama. She certainly hadn't encountered a life-threatening situation since waking up.

Why would she ever be afraid of some random asshole's aura?

She was half tempted to give them a taste of her aura.

'But that might startle Gon and Killua.'

Both boys were still very fresh to nen and chakra, and the intermingling of the energies with intent (bloodlust in this case) was something that took time to overcome.

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