Lioness V

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Things were dull at the tower for Miwa. She was obligated to participate in one fight to stay in the tower. Unfortunately, when she signed up, Hisoka caught wind of it and decided he wanted to fight her, so—

Miwa stood in the pristine arena, idly twirling one of her pigtails while Hisoka smiled at her from across the arena. Gon and Killua were in the stands, Gon enviously watching on. The crowds of people were chanting something—likely cheering for Hisoka. Miwa couldn't pick out their individual words.

After Miwa had murdered the pale creepy man, Gon and Killua merrily continued with their training to prepare to fight the remaining duo of the creepy trio. Miwa admitted it was funny to see the creepers faces' upon finding out half of their friend's decapitated head was in their beds, but that humor was short-lived when police got involved.

Not that they could find any proof of anything happening. Oddly enough the investigation was only open for a day before they shoved it aside.

Killua guessed the police weren't allowed to look too closely about what happened in the tower.

"I've been looking forward to this since the exams," Hisoka commented. "You and Gon have... caught my attention."

"Uh-huh," Miwa murmured, unimpressed.

"It's a little discouraging to be ignored," he said, his tone teasing and flir—

Miwa's face twinged in disgust. "Were you—were you about to flirt with me?

Hisoka's smile was a million times more disturbing.


The referee cleared his throat. "Ready... Start!"

Neither moved.

'Gon wants to fight him. I shouldn't hurt too bad', Miwa thought, goosebumps crawling up and down her arms as she watched him gaze at her with those uugggh those bloodlust-filled eyes. 'I hate fighting masochists. So gross.'

Really the only way she could defeat him while minimizing damages to him would be to use a sedative to knock him out or render him unconscious with one hit.

She really didn't want to directly touch him.

Thankfully, genjutsus were a thing.

And shadow clones.

She spawned thirty clones in the arena.

"WHAT'S THIS?! THERE'S NOW THIRTY MIWA'S IN THE ARENA?!" the announcer's shrill voice drowned out the crowd's surprise. "How is this possible?!"

The clones began to engage in a light bout of taijutsu against Hisoka while Miwa began to apply a multilayered genjutsu over the jester. She had to reluctantly admit that Hisoka was decent at hand-to-hand combat. Despite facing thirty of her clones, he had managed to evade all of their attacks. Granted, none of them were using Kurama's chakra, or any ninjutsu, but it was still impressive given the incredibly low bar Miwa previously set for him.

The genjutsu applied shortly afterward and Hisoka froze in place for a solid ten seconds. Plenty of time for Miwa to throw a paralysis tag on him that immediately took effect. The genjutsu was canceled, but Hisoka could no longer move due to the fūinjutsu tag on his forehead. One of Miwa's clones took that opportunity to swiftly knock him out in one clean hit.

"Knockout! Victory to Miwa," called the referee.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHO WOULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING?! Hisoka is now at 9 wins and 3 losses, with Miwa taking her first win. What a powerhouse we have! An overwhelming victory for Miwa."

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