Lioness I

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Heaven's Arena was an absurdly tall white tower that loomed above any skyscraper Miwa had previously seen. Killua, who had already been here before, expertly guided Gon and Miwa from Miwa's mark to the tower. Once inside the tower, the trio of kids had to join an absurdly long line.

"Whoa. Are all these people here for the arena?" Gon asked, impressed by the line.

"There are no rules fighting here like for the Hunter Exam. You just have to knock your opponent out. The higher you go, the more prize money you earn. This is as good as it gets for those looking to make a living with their fists," Killua said a cheerful smile on his face. "We'll be able to do some good training here, and make some money for our adventure."

It took about two hours of waiting in line—the kids passed the time by coming up with outrageous stories—but they did eventually reach the registration form.

Miwa stared blankly at the form, unable to read what it said except for the words: Name and Age.

Killua took it for her, and filled it out on her behalf. "You really gotta learn to read sometime."

"I'm working on it!" Miwa defended, embarrassed.

"Killua Zoldyck you are #2054, Gon Freecss, you are #2055, Miwa, you are #2056. They'll call your number on the first floor of the arena, so make sure you remember it. Please go ahead."

The trio of friends headed off to the arena, entering a large white-walled room with numerous little fighting rings scattered about. A lot of the contestants were absurdly large men trying to wrestle one another, each covered in sweat and blood.

It reeked.

Miwa reflexively pinched her nose shut, hating the smell. It was literally so bad she almost reflexively shot out a bijū bomb to destroy the disgusting pig pen they had to inhale.

'I wish I had some oil to dab under my nose. Ugh, have they never heard of a shower?'

They look like they would taste of nothing but grease, Kurama muttered disdainfully. Revolting.

"You okay Miwa?" Gon asked, noticing how she was clutching her nose.

"Fucking reeks," she muttered crossly. "Ugh, this is nauseating."

"It gets better later," Killua reassured her. "Hang in there for a few more minutes, okay?"


The three children took a seat among the benches, barely getting a minute to relax before Gon's number was called. Gon excitedly hurried up to one of the fighting rings. She couldn't hear what the referee was saying—the other fights were loud, and he was apparently speaking quietly—but Gon and the stupidly large man he was about to fight both nodded before taking up positions.

Gon raised the palm of his hand and then—

Miwa's breath hitched the moment she sensed Gon's chakra—nen?—core fluctuate. A trickle of its energy rushed out to Gon's hand and Gon shoved the large man straight out of the arena.

'Did he just use chakra?'

He's never done that before, Kurama observed. Intuitive brat?

Gon stared down at his hand in amazement before letting out a cheer and heading back to his friends.

"That was an impressive push," Miwa praised Gon when he returned, her eyes narrowed as assessed his calm core. "How did you do it?"

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