Lammergeier II

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Before the group headed out, Miwa called Kite away.

"Um..." Miwa hesitantly tugged on Kite's shirt.

Kite looked down at her. "Yes?"

"Would it—do you think it'd be possible if I could hold the sample?" Miwa asked.

"What do you want to do with it?" Kite frowned.

"I'm... kind of a sensor of sorts. There's a type of energy emanating from it, and I want to feel it," Miwa slowly explained. While she didn't feel Kite was a bad person, per say, she didn't feel comfortable explaining everything to him.

"Hmmm... Okay," said Kite, offering her a smile. "Treat it carefully."

Kite pulled out the small jar with the claw inside. Uncapping it, he poured the claw out and into Miwa's expecting hands.

Oi, kit. Can I get a closer look at it directly?


I won't hurt it.

'You sure?'

... Reasonably.


As Kurama interacted with the world through his chakra, Miwa had to envelop a small portion of the ant arm in it. It said a lot about how careful Kurama was, because he was being so precious with it that his chakra didn't even start burning it. He only probed at it for a few seconds before he pulled back, not wanting to risk destroying it.

This arm... this creature... It comes from someplace like me.

'What do you mean?'

It's not a chakra-based creature, but there is a certain type of energy inside it similar to my own. I would guess that it originates from an environment that exudes volatile energy. Curious. The only other comparison I could make would be an ant that lived near a bijū all its life, but even that's not quite right, as it clearly cannot withstand my chakra for more than a few seconds. Interesting, very interesting. I wouldn't mind meeting more of such creatures.

'So... it's not from this world?'

I doubt it.

Miwa felt a very odd kinship with the creature.

She wondered if they had arrived here through similar means.

"Well?" asked Kite as Miwa handed the claw back.

"Um... Chimera Ants... aren't from this world, are they?" Miwa ran her fingers through her hair.

Kite smiled at her. "Correct. They're from a place called the Dark Continent."

'Wow. Gotta check that place out then.'

Could be fun.

'There might be other bijū there.'


The thought of finding more creatures like Kurama filled Miwa with a simple joy. As soon as she, Gon, and Killua had a moment alone, she'd tell her friends what she had learned with Kurama.


They had gathered in a rather cramped car. Stick Dinner drove, with Kite, Gon,and Killua up front. Kite sat in the passenger seat, and Gon and Killua were squashed in between. Miwa had to sit on their laps.

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