Wolf-Spider IV

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Once they had finished stealing the items, Miwa watched them fake their deaths and then headed back to the hotel. She was excited to tell her friends about everything that had happened.

To her delight, Kurapika was already in the hotel room. She was surprised he had stopped by so late.

Kurapika's eyes bulged when Miwa walked in holding a jar of scarlet eyes. "Wha—?"

"Here you go," said Miwa, holding out the jar with a big smile. "It's from the auction."

"But I—these were—these were bought," stumbled Kurapika, accepting the eyes of his dead clan mate. "The—The Phantom Troupe—"

Kurapika fell silent as a hollowed expression washed over him. His eyes dulled, he clutched tightly at the jar. He looked closer to a corpse than a living human.

"What's wrong?" asked Miwa, tilting her head curiously.

"He's sad the Phantom Troupe died," explained Gon from his seat on the bed.

"Oh," Miwa said, brightening. "Then I've got great news for you! They aren't. They were at the auction. They made copies of everything there and sold the fakes while stealing the originals. They let me take the eyes though."

Kurapika slowly raised his head to look at her, a myriad of emotions flickering over his face. Disbelief; joy; fury; bitterness; and everything in between. He eventually schooled his features to that closer of apathy, his nen cooling rapidly.

The sharp decrease in temperature of his nen alarmed Miwa, her heart jumped and for a moment—


"Wh—What's wrong?" she asked again uneasily.

"Thank you." His words were that of gratitude, but his tone was detached and the chains in his nen rattled ominously.

"For what? What is the Troupe to you?"

"It is my purpose to destroy the Phantom Troupe. They are instruments of destruction and hunted down my clan for our eyes. They deserve death," Kurapika sternly said, the chill in his nen only worsening.

Miwa's mind blanked for a moment until she asked in a quiet, trembling voice, "This is for revenge?"

Kurapika nodded curtly, and at once Miwa was filled with a surge of pure frustration.




Kurama started to play boss battle music in their shared mind.

An instant overwhelming rage exploded inside Miwa's heart. That single word coming out of a boy whose red eyes gleamed of hurt and kindness triggered something inside the jinchūriki. She couldn't resist the hot anger that burned her from the inside out as her emotions surged forth without consent and she unleashed them onto the boy before her.

"Are you stupid?" she couldn't help but hiss out, her tone raised to a shrill pitch. "Revenge? Revenge?"

Kurapika paled with anger at her remarks but she stampeded on before he could say anything.

"Let me get this straight," Miwa said again, trying in vain to reign in her flood of fury. She glowered with seething disgust as she snapped at him, "Your entire revenge is centered on trying to get back at the tools that destroyed your clan."

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