Saw-Scaled Viper I

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Gon didn't wake up for the rest of the day, and far into the next one, but when he did he was hecka excited about his license. Less so when he realized that Killua wasn't with them.

"I promised Killua we'd pick him up when you were feeling better," Miwa explained to Gon, sitting by his bedside next to Kurapika and Leorio. "But, um, now I realize maybe you wouldn't want to...?"

"Of course I do! He's our friend," Gon said cheerfully. "Can you teleport us to him?"

"Technically yes, but I shouldn't," Miwa said with a grimace. "I have no way of judging distance until after the teleportation unless I know the area. I have no clue how far away Killua has become. If I were to just go ahead and teleport I might expend all of my energy, and um..."

'Accidentally unleash some raw, rage-inducing kyūbi chakra that will inevitably result in the massacre of those nearby. Definitely including Killua and his family.'

That just sounds like a good time.

'Not. Helping.'

"Did he mention where he was going exactly?" Kurapika asked in a kind voice. The blond boy seemed unnaturally kind and soft spoken. It kind of unnerved Miwa, since it was such a contradiction to what she sensed in his energy core. On the outside he was nice, but on the inside all she could hear was the rattling of rusty chains and the smell of rotten flesh.

She honestly hadn't been able to decide if he was a budding psychopath or just seriously disturbed.

Please let it be psychopath. Then please let him get strong and try to fight us.

'Why can't you learn to enjoy the simple things in life?'

Why can't you let me bijū bomb a few cities? Push humanity into glorious war and a fight for survival. Turn the world into post-apocalypse and slaughter the weak.

'So sadistic.'

"Back home to get his dad's permission to go on adventures with us," Miwa told Kurapika, ignoring the pouting (I AM NOT POUTING) kyūbi.

"Hmm... His last name was Zoldyck, right?" Kurapika said, pulling his messenger bag around. He fished around in it for a moment before he found what he was looking for and presented the group with a laptop.

"How the hell did that not get destroyed?" Miwa wondered out loud.

But Kurapika only smiled mysteriously as he booted it up. It took him several minutes, but he was able to figure out where Killua lived. He turned the laptop around to show everyone a picture of a mountain that looked like it ought to be haunted by ghosts. "Says here the Zoldyck family live on this mountain."

"Then let's go there, Miwa!" Gon declared.

"Okey dokey."

"Where are you guys going to head off to?" Gon asked his other friends.

"Get my degree in medicine to become a doctor," Leorio proudly declared.

"I... have some research to do," Kurapika responded vaguely.

'Why do I feel like by research he means murdering?' Miwa questioned. 'Is he really going to turn into a serial killer? Not that I'm judging him or anything since I'm technically a serial killer, too.'

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