Lioness IV

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Beta: (I got too excited to post)


Gon's match was scheduled first thing in the morning the following day. It was with the man who only had a single pegleg, wrapped entirely in a red cloak from torso to head, and wore a breathing mask.

Frankly, he looked like someone who should be on disability, not fighting in an arena. Miwa had to give him props for doing what he was doing.

But he was also a disturbing man who giggled at the thought of fighting a small boy.

The arena fought on the 200th floor was certainly more respectable than the dingy arenas they had previously battled in. It was a wide space with thick white cement tiles and had dozens of spotlights shining down on it. It was positively packed with an audience surrounding it who jeered and cheered before the match even began.

Killua and Miwa purchased tickets to watch the match. Their seats were somewhere in the middle. The two friends quietly talked about how good their breakfast was that morning as they waited for Gon's match to start.

Then it began and... well...

It was... uncomfortable to watch, but not unbearable. Gido had no murderous intent behind his actions. Oh, he talked a big game and there was a certain level of sadistic pleasure behind his actions, but there was no desire to kill Gon.

It reminded Miwa more of a one-sided sparring match between a Chūnin and a Genin. There were some more veteran soldiers who brutally beat down Genin under the guise of training.

What made it acceptable was that it always turned out for the better.

Either the Genin would realize they couldn't handle such a lifestyle anymore and dropped out, or they recovered, learned from their mistakes, and came back with a vengeance.

Training in Konoha was meant to be brutal.

If it was lax then it was considered lazy and the Genin would pay the consequences for it.

At least that's what Kurama told her.

Miwa didn't like seeing Gon get beat around—and judging the minor leak of killing intent oozing from Killua beside her he didn't like it, either.

Unfortunately, if Miwa wanted Gon to become strong enough to defend himself training was necessary.

These types of sparring matches would be necessary.

It was better to be done by Gido in this environment than some random scum, or worse Hisoka. Gido would not kill Gon, and there was a referee overseeing the match.

Logically, Miwa could accept this.

Emotionally, Miwa still wanted to rip his head off.

All she could do was sit and watch. And if she started to spike in killing intent she suddenly found that Killua put a tiny little pine-scented candle under her nose and gave her a cheeky grin.

"You're a brat," she told him, sniffing the candle.

"Yep," he said proudly.


Gon lost.

It wasn't an entirely one-sided match, but Gido's use of nen gave him a clear advantage over Gon.

To be frank, even though Gon had only recently begun his spiritual training in nen and chakra he did very well. He only broke three ribs, and his right radius and ulna.

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