Fox IV

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Miwa breathed in the fresh air, her blue eyes sparkling with delight.

Shaiapouf held her in his arms. His butterfly wings flapped slowly, lazily, as he hovered in the air above the hospital rooftop. Miwa wanted some fresh air after spending over an hour getting rid of excess mutated organs and gunk, but Shaiapouf and Gon were reluctant to let her travel far from the hospital.

Therefore, Shaiapouf would hold Miwa as he fluttered near the hospital roof where Gon would watch them. That way Miwa got fresh air, didn't need to exert herself, and would be near the hospital.

"It's a really nice day," Miwa commented, sniffing at the air. She caught hints of the city smell with each breeze.

"It is," Shaiapouf agreed. "How are you feeling?"


The butterfly-ant cocked his head, his naturally stoic face uncharacteristically gentle. Miwa had been noticing that over the past several days. Shaiapouf was much kinder to her than he had been before. It was starting to give Miwa hope that maybe, just maybe, Shaiapouf might want to still be with her after she got better. That maybe, just maybe, he might not want to go back to the king.

Miwa thought it would be delightful if the two could become better friends, but she tried to stay reasonable. She knew how much Shaiapouf loved his king, and had a hard time accepting that he would put anyone else above Mereum.

Shaiapouf quietly asked, "Want to try eating?"

"Mmm..." Miwa hesitated. "Maybe something small?"

"Would you prefer soup again—?"

"Oi!" Gon shouted from below them. He had a huge smile on his face as he jumped up and down and waved his arms. He had his phone clutched tightly in one of his hands. "Killua's arriving soon!"

Shaiapouf's grip tightened on Miwa.

"Ehh? Really?" Miwa's eyes widened in surprise. "When?"

"Ten—ehh—fifteen minutes?" Gon said. He held his phone back up to his ear. "Ten? Ten minutes he said! We gotta meet them somewhere secure."

"Whoa," said Miwa. "Then I'll wait to eat until I'm healed up. It's been days since I got to eat a big meal, I wanna go all out."

"I'll have something prepared," Shaiapouf assured her. Although his words were kind, there was a reluctant undertone to them. He flew back down to the hospital, entering Miwa's room through the open window. Gon hopped through the window shortly afterward, positively elated.

Shaiapouf considerately set Miwa onto her bed and started to fix her hair. Miwa happily leaned into his touch. She found that she very much enjoyed having her hair brushed, and Shaiapouf worked wonders with a comb. The wind had swept her hair in all different directions, but within minutes Shaiapouf had it tamed and in its usual pigtails.

"I guess this will mean no more hospital gowns, huh," remarked Gon.

"Thank goodness. Those things are breezy," Miwa said.

"I thought you looked cute in the one with little duckies on it," he said.

Miwa couldn't resist smiling at that. "Why don't you wear that one then?"

"I dunno. Think I could pull off little duckies?"

"Yeah-huh, you're cute."

Gon hopped onto her bed. "Aww. Whatcha gonna do once you're all healed up?"

"I dunno," she said. "You should go visit your dad, though."

"Mmm..." Gon scratched his cheek, suddenly finding greater interest in the floor than anywhere else.

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