Wolf-Spider III

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After a wonderful dessert-filled dinner the three children headed back to the hotel to talk about their next plan of action.

"I wanna kick their butts," said Gon as he patted his full stomach. "They were really strong, to be honest I'm not sure if we could have made it out without you, Miwa."

Killua yawned, stretching his arms up. "It would have been hard, but maybe doable."

"If you wanna kick their butts you'll have to practice your nen and chakra more," Miwa said.

"We should go find Kurapika then," said Killua.

"Huh?" Gon looked over in surprise. "How come?"

"I was thinking about it over dinner. I'm pretty sure Kurapika is the chain user that killed their friend."

"Kill who?"

"Oh," said Gon before turning to Miwa and filling her in on the details of what happened. Miwa was indignant that they threatened her friends, but Gon and Killua were dismissive over the whole thing.

It was basically another Heaven's Arena situation. Gon and Killua had to face stronger opponents to become stronger themselves. It nettled Miwa, but seeing how unbothered her friends were, she felt reassured.

"If they really hurt you I'll kill them," Miwa sternly said. "No amount of cuteness will prevent me from protecting you two."

"Aww," Gon said, nudging Miwa. "You like us, you really like us."

Miwa's cheeks reddened as she grinned. "Yep! A whole lot."

"More than that Feitan right?" Killua muttered.

Miwa giggled at Killua's question. "What a silly question."

"Ooo, is someone jealous?" Gon laughed.

"Shut up," replied Killua, glaring at Gon.

"Eat me," retorted a snickering Gon.


"Eat me," giggled Miwa.

Killua groaned in frustration. "Why am I friends with you two?"

"Eat us," they said.


Miwa offered to send the text to Kurapika. Killua said he had to proof read it for her before she sent it which she thought stunk because she wanted to send eat me to him first. She refrained.

To: Kurapika

Message: Tell us when you are free. We (Gon, Killua, Miwa) need to talk to you about nen and the Spiders. Also: I did it. :)

"Ah," Gon said after the message was sent. "I got something for you, Miwa. I left it in the hotel room."

Miwa blinked in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"We were at the market hunting for treasures to sell, and I saw it and I knew it would be perfect for you," he said with a warm twinkle in his eyes.

They headed back over to the hotel where Gon proudly held out a porcelain fox mask that would cover the upper half of Miwa's face. "Ta-da! Perfect for a thief."

Elated, she accepted the mask. She ran her fingers over it, feeling how sturdy and smooth it was. She slipped it on. Not a perfect fit, but close enough.

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