Hyena IV

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Chunky exposition chapter. A cruel necessity.


Construction of the city had been going (relatively) smoothly. There were some hiccups—the blueprints weren't perfect and required some revision when Miwa put them into practice—but nothing that couldn't be fixed. Miwa was adamant to keep her city "healthy" so the firm advised her to be "eco-friendly" and "green."

Miwa knew the basics of electricity—ground to ground, power to power—but she wasn't an expert by any means whatsoever. Kikyo accepted everything Miwa had stolen from the underground auctions in exchange for hiring electricians and engineers to help Miwa build power for her city. They were going to use something called "solar power" which sounded neato. Unfortunately, the equipment for it was expensive, which encouraged Miwa to obtain them through less legal means. She was perfectly happy to steal everything she needed from two countries over.

Once the power and plumbing were set up, Miwa could get started on constructing the actual buildings in the treetops. Miwa was very adept at the carpentry side of things—even if she did not have the specific memories, she knew she had rebuilt a lot of homes in her previous village.

Everything would be linked through roads on branches, or bridges, although the firm advised Miwa to include some ground roads for people passing by.

Miwa didn't really want to mess with concrete so for the moment the "roads" were just extra flattened dirt with crushed up rocks over top.

Miwa had dug out a giant hole in the center of the city. She poured in and smoothed out several meters of thick clay and rocks all throughout it to keep the polluted soil from seeping in. Then she dumped scrolls and scrolls of filtered water into the hole to create a lake.

The architects advised Miwa to prepare several canals from the lake to other areas in case of overflow. Miwa did exactly that, pleased with their foresight to think ahead.

It was a slow process, but she was happy with the results so far. Once she had enough buildings she'd direct the residents into the city then work on the farming areas.

She had no idea what to do for the economy—Meteor City was as broke as broke could get—but she could at least make them self-sufficient. The little details could be worked out later.

Some residents were already thinking ahead. A couple of them suggested she put trout in the lake. Miwa worried it would contaminate it, but they told her they could boil the water and it was better to have more food sources.

She didn't see a reason to argue, Miwa sent a few dozen clones out each day to hunt for trout and other lake fish. Pretty much any fish that looked healthy and lived in a lake somewhere was taken back and dumped in. Not all of them survived the change in environment but that was fine.

While her clones worked, Miwa spent her time tutoring Feitan and Chrollo in chakra-control and they taught her more and more about nen.

She thought Gon and Killua were pretty smart—and they are!—but Chrollo and Feitan picked up chakra twice as fast. Was it easier because they were already nen masters and could distinctly feel their nen, or were they simply prodigies?

Miwa didn't know. Either way, she was impressed.

They had the leaf exercise down within a week.

And at the end of that week Miwa had a starting idea for her nen ability.


"U-Um—I think I know what I want my ability to look like," said Miwa, her cheeks turning red from embarrassment. She wasn't sure if her ability would seem silly. She had never made up an ability before, after all.

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