Lammergeier V

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^ Drawn by Candy / @Cantrona on Instagram

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^ Drawn by Candy / @Cantrona on Instagram. :) 

(Miwa's clone)

Neferpitō's ability was pretty gosh darn neat.

And a little terrifying.

Neferpitō was able to conjure various marionettes, each one with a different ability. The one currently summoned shot out dozens of nen threads to try and capture the fleeing clone.

"Gah," said Miwa, leaping away as she barely dodged the nen threads. Neferpitō giggled.

"Gah," the cat-ant mocked.

"It's hard to dodge—I can barely see them," exclaimed Miwa.

"Thank you."

"You should try to thin them out more," advised Miwa. "It'll be even harder then!"

"Oooo. Nyow I see, yes, yes—"

You know they could be a potential enemy?

'Or they could be a potential best friend.'

Why are you like this?

'Like what?'

Urk... an optimist. You're becoming more and more like that damn Gon.

'That's not so bad, is it?'


Eventually, Neferpitō was able to catch the clone with their threads. Neferpitō pounced upon Miwa with enough force to turn most humans into mush, consequently popping the clone.



For the next three days, each morning and night, Miwa would send a clone to Neferpitō. The cat-ant reveled in playing games with Miwa, although each game ended with the clone being caught and subsequently popped.

The lethality of the games might have been concerning for some, but not Miwa. The fact that Neferpitō was even willing to cooperate with Miwa in playing the games, meant a lot to the kunoichi. It meant that her efforts to befriend the ant weren't entirely pointless—that there was a possibility for peace.

Or at least not complete genocide.

While the clone played the ant, Miwa herself had to alternate between attending to her work in Soleil and training.

The city was progressing each day, with laws being implemented and the civilians adapting to a less extreme lifestyle. There were some bumps and hiccups along the way, yet it was nothing Miwa couldn't handle. Chrollo had told her that he would have to be departing in a couple of months to prepare for an agreed battle with Hisoka.

Miwa thought that was silly, but she wasn't going to tell that to Chrollo.

With Chrollo's departure, Miwa would have to keep a clone or two in the city to properly manage the bureaucracy. She didn't savor the idea of doing that every day—especially because she wanted to enjoy her adventures—so she started to gear the government to rely on her less. She wanted to limit her necessary overseeing to once a month or less.

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