Margay VII

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Beta: TaintedLetter


"Attention all remaining participants. The chairman wishes to interview each of you individually. When your number is called, please come to the first reception room on the second floor. We will start with #44 Mr. Hisoka..."

The group was traveling to the next destination on the airship, and while they did so one by one they were called to have a brief meeting with chairman Netero.

Miwa was called towards the end, and she entered the small room with some reluctance. Netero motioned for her to take a seat across from him. Once she did so, he cut straight to the questions.

"First why do you want to be a Hunter?"

"It sounded interesting," Miwa answered honestly, scratching her cheek. "So far the only interesting things are a couple of the contestants."

"Hmm-hmm... Which of the other eight applicants are you keeping an eye on?"

Miwa blinked at that. "What? Like... who am I worried about? None of them. Their ch—er—nen as you called it? It's nowhere near as big as mine, or yours. They all seem amateurish."

The chairman nodded at that going hmm-hmm again, then blinked. "You were about to call it something else?"

Miwa gestured to herself. "I was trained to call it chakra. You called it nen, though?"

"Yes. Huh. Interesting. So tell me, which of the other eight applicants would you least like to fight?"

"If it's just a spar, then I don't care. If you're asking me to kill them then I won't kill Gon, or Killua. I'd probably kill you first."

That made Netero laugh. "A bold statement."

Miwa tilted her head, her blonde bangs brushing over her eyes. "A bold confidence from someone who's got something nasty in his, ah, nen."

Netero hummed and hmm'd at that, but then gave a big grin. "Being a sensor at your age is odd. Such a trait normally comes with experience."

We've got plenty of that, came Kurama's snide voice. Cheeky brat.

'Everyone is a cheeky brat to you.'

Kurama huffed at that, and Miwa knew she would probably get the silent treatment for a while now.

Out loud she said, "I'm just a genius."

"So it would seem. I think you'd get along great with my second in command," Netero remarked. "Or maybe you'll just kill him."

"Fifty-fifty chance if he's anything like you," Miwa said sweetly.

Netero laughed at that, his whole body shaking with amusement. "Get going then! I have what I need."

She excused herself.


They were taken to a luxury hotel. It stood tall, proud, and well maintained. It reeked of wealth: the stench of crumpled up money, sickeningly sweet incense, and sweaty palms. Like a herd of sheep they were shuffled through this pampered hotel and down several halls before coming out into a wide ballroom.

They lined up loosely, with only Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, and Miwa standing close to one another. It was blatantly apparent that the other contestants had not formed any sort of positive relationship with one another like they had.

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