Hyena III

6K 393 382

Beta: TaintedLetter


The trash was finally, finally, almost cleared out. Within a day it would be entirely gone.

Which meant Miwa had to address the catastrophe that was the ground underneath.

The ground from under the trash had become nearly inhabitable. Emphasis on the nearly because nasty bacteria and weird moldy-mutations grew in that dirt fine and dandy. But such couldn't be allowed to stay that way because it was gross.

Super gross.

Some mushrooms looked nice (especially the ones that glowed at night) but the nasty-smelling mold had to go. With what Miwa had in mind the soil had to be fixed up after all the damage done from being a landfill for who knew how long.

There were a few fuuinjutsu seals that could be used to purify a land of lethal toxins but that was mostly to get rid of poison or bijuu chakra. She wasn't sure if it would work on the broad-scope of nastiness.

She would have liked to talk to Chrollo about it, but the man had disappeared since making the deal with her.

So Miwa decided to talk about it with Kikyo during their next phone call. Miwa tended to call Killua's mom after dinner so it was pretty late into the night. Even so, Kikyo always answered her with a warm and sweet, "Good evening, darling."

Miwa was starting to really like Kikyo.

Miwa told her about her day and how she was worried about the soil.

"It seems like it's time to test the soil then. Why don't you collect some samples and stop by tomorrow for lunch?" suggested Kikyo.

"Okay," happily agreed Miwa.


Kikyo had prepared a quaint tea party. After all the gore and trash Miwa had to witness each day at Meteor City, the beautifully adorned outdoor tea party felt like a cool misty breeze in a hot dessert. Miwa beamed brightly at the woman, and the Zoldyck matriarch smiled upon her arrival.

"Come, sit, sit," insisted Kikyo. "Have you been to a tea party before?"

Miwa shyly shook her head. The tea party had been set up outside in the gardens. The table had a pristine, crisp white cloth and was adorned with sparkly finger foods that looked straight out of a magazine.

"Oooh. This will be your first one," exclaimed Kikyo excitedly. "Marvelous! Try a bit of everything, darling, and tell me what you like best. Oh, I meant to ask you earlier—how poison resistant are you?"

"Pretty strong," Miwa answered. Kurama could neutralize nearly any poison. "As long as it's poison or venom, I can purge it within minutes."

Kikyo gasped. "My word! Can I see?"

"Sure," said Miwa. She didn't see any issue with it. Kikyo was already being so kind and helpful to Miwa, and the smell of the food was terribly enticing.

Kikyo was delighted by her response. "Gotoh, prepare the other dishes."

A butler that had stood off to the side bowed. "As you wish."

Miwa took a seat at the table and Kikyo poured her some amber colored tea in a pretty porcelain cup. "Drink, darling."

Miwa sipped the tea. "It's fruity!"

"I thought you might like that best," said Kikyo proudly.

"It's really good," assured Miwa. "Thank you for thinking of me."

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