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Gon is a Brat™


Miwa sat in her hospital bed, rummaging through the bag Shalnark had brought her. In addition to the tablet, he had purchased her a variety of books. He told her that he just asked the saleswoman to get whatever was popular with girls.

Miwa had found a book inside with a weird cover. It was of a very muscular man posing dramatically. The title read: Passion's Embrace.

'Looks like one of those stinky guys from Heaven's Arena,' Miwa thought as she stared at the man. She scrunched up her nose in disgust.

Maybe it's a fighting book? Kurama guessed.

Miwa thought that made the most sense. Why else would it have that cover?

'In that case... Gon might like to read this with me,' Miwa thought. Gon didn't like to read, but he liked fighting. She'd read a bit and see if it would be something he'd find interesting.


Gon returned to the hospital room after going to the bathroom to find Miwa stiffly sitting in bed, completely red-faced as she stared at a book.

"You okay?" Gon asked.

"Help," she whispered. "I can't look away."

Gon chuckled and crawled into the bed to sit next to her. "Whatchya readin'?"

Miwa shakily showed the book to him.

"His member was hot as it—" Gon started to read out loud which caused Miwa to scream in embarrassed horror.

Pouf immediately rushed into the room barely two seconds later, frazzled. "Miwa?!"

Miwa started to hit Gon with the book and he laughed. She squealed, "Don't read it out loud!"

"Hehehehe—okay—okay—!" Gon laughed as she continued to hit him. Miwa shakily lowered the book, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

Miwa turned to Shaiapouf. She struggled to keep from squeaking as she said, "I—I'm okay Pouf, Gon just—just—startled me."

"Eat me," Gon whispered in between his giggles.

"Not. Now," she hissed. She felt her face immediately grow hot again. Gon howled with laughter upon seeing her mortified face.



Killua was nauseous.

Emotional distress wasn't something he often felt in his life. He was taught early on in his childhood how to repress and dissociate. When things got overwhelming or stressful he flipped a switch and disconnected so he could think rationally. That was what a proper assassin was meant to do.

That time he was having trouble.

There was an uncomfortable queasy stone in the pit of his stomach. Although the lunch he ate earlier was perfectly fine, it might as well have been rotten and filled with maggots with how disgusted he felt.

"This is your family home?" asked Neferpitō.

Killua did not stop moving toward the testing gates that stood tall.

"Yes," he said quietly. He shoved the gates open, taking the moment to release some of his anxiety.

"Why are they so big?" asked the cat-ant.

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