23. Kiss the ripper

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Genny and Andy walk through tents, searching for Blue's to announce him of the game too. According to Andy, the game is about to start in about 20 minutes.

So they must hurry.

"You'll stay with me, right?" Genny bites his lip, worried. He doesn't know how the game works, and it's his first time playing.

"Um... dude. I'm a ripper. I always am." Andy clarifies, and as they reach Blue's tent, Andy grabs it and shakes the top. There is no door so he can't knock.

"Can't I be a ripper too?" Genny innocently asks, not wanting to be left alone.

Andy turns to look at him with a mocking face as if saying that Genny being a ripper would be inconsiderable since he's so naive.

Seeing Andy mocking him, Genny huffs and crosses his arms. He would make a great ripper.

Blue steps out, dressed in a comfy pullover and plaid skirt, some wool high knee stockings covering his legs.

"Is it time to start?" Blue asks, grabbing a jacket from inside the tent.

Andy nods. "You and Genny will go together as runners. Take care of each other."

"Wait. You're a ripper?" Blue exclaims, wrapping his arms around himself to create warmth.

"Is it that hard to believe? I'm popular, I've played this a thousand times. Of course, I'm a ripper." Andy shakes his head, not believing his two noob friends.

"So who are the other rippers?" Blue asks.

"Rippers are the people you'd expect to be rippers. The jocks, the populars, you get the drill." Andy explains, looking around the camp.

It's weird because there is no one around. The camp is dark, there are no lights in the tents or the cabin. Miss Canny and the coach are nowhere to be seen.

It's creepy, but it's a horror game so Genny supposes the dark scenery fits.

"So what do we do?" Blue asks, making Andy groan.

Andy pushes Genny towards Blue, throwing him in annoyance. Genny shivers in fear.

"You run. It's literally called Run Ripper. Like... run from the ripper. Don't get caught." Andy says, throwing his hands in the air and then turning to walk away, and Genny can hear him muttering as he walks away. "Literal noobs."

After Andy is gone, Genny and Blue remain alone, in the darkness.

They look at each other, Genny wrapping his arms around Blue's shoulders, scared to let go, and Blue does the same.

This is the worst situation possible. Two scared, weak guys, left alone in the wilderness by themselves as a horror hide and seek game is about to start. Just perfect.

"Where's Alex?" Genny shivers, hoping that Alex will suddenly pop out of the tent and protect the two.

"He's a ripper. He left an hour ago." Blue grunts, feeling stupid that he didn't beg Alex to stay with him as a runner. Maybe that way they wouldn't be in so much danger.

"This is just great," Genny whispers, and just at that moment, something next to them moves, creating a sound and making them jump in the air.

Genny cries out, getting closer to Blue.

"Just the wind. Just the wind. The wind." Blue repeats to himself.

"We should get out of here. Maybe the game is played inside the camp so we should get out." Genny suggests, not thinking clearly.

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