8. Catching Feelings

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Chapter may be triggering (mentions of sexual assault, homophobic slurs, and r*pe)

"We're going to start the track training today since next week we got the first test

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"We're going to start the track training today since next week we got the first test." The loud voice of coach Hunter echoes through the big field. The clouds are heavy and gray, signaling a possible rain. That doesn't seem to faze the coach since he continues talking.

"I hope you are in good shape. We're going to start with 5 laps of training and then at the end we do a race." At the hearing of that explanation, Genny becomes pale. There is always this feeling in gym class when the professor starts explaining the exercises; The feeling of drain and nervousness.

Genny doesn't want to run. Like he said, he is a pony with three legs. But his opinion and want is not important at this moment. A class is a class, and Genny must submit.

"Take position at the start. Short ones in the front row, then going towards taller until the last."

Fortunately, being the same height, Genny gets to be on the front row with both Andy and Blue.

In a matter of minutes the students are aligned in rows at the start, and the coach is standing in front of them, the whistle hanging from his mouth.

Genny nervously looks around, his palms become sweaty when the coach grabs his whistle.

"We can walk. He said do five laps, not necessarily run them." Blue stutters, probably nervous too. Andy seems unbothered, and it makes Genny wonder if he's some kind of athletic person.

Genny's question is soon answered as the coach blows into his whistle and Andy takes off, leaving a trail of dust behind him.

Students start running past Genny and Blue as the two remain standing and shocked.

"Jensen and Jacobs. What the fuck are you doing?" The coach yells when he notices that everyone started running and that only Genny and Blue are left behind with the people in the last row who still have to wait for the row in front of them to start running. "RUN." The coach yells, and as the students on the last row take off, so do Genny and Blue.

There is no clear way to explain Genny's pathetic running. At least he's not alone since Blue is also dying beside him as the two advance further into the tracks.

The two boys try to keep up with the students on the last row that are running behind them, but it's almost impossible since they're the tallest and most athletic, so they're soon left behind.

Genny sees a body running past him and recognizes it as being Cameron. The dark-haired boy dressed in a tank top and sweats is effortlessly running with the other muscular guys as Genny and Blue are the last one left, almost fainting and dying.

Genny starts coughing, trying to catch his breath. He needs to stop his legs, they are burning, his muscles are contracting, and his heart is at an unhealthy speed.

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