1. Computer Keys and Alcohol.

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The sound of fingers hitting the keyboard of the overused laptop are the only noise bothering the silent night

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The sound of fingers hitting the keyboard of the overused laptop are the only noise bothering the silent night. The atmosphere is filled with a weird pressure which could only be described as nervousness. Like any other teenager in their awkward phase, Genny is no exception -his feelings are engulfed, suffocated inside him in a tiny globe that at one point is programmed to explode in ways that are too embarrassing to describe but he does not care.

There is no way Genny Jensen is going to express his feelings and thoughts to anyone but the digital diary that is now resting on his lap, the light of the laptop screen reflecting on his face and in the lenses of his glasses.

The sound of clicking computer keys is accompanied by the sound of deep breaths and pants. Somehow, Genny always gets nervous and out of breath while writing. It seems like his brain can only function when he's not breathing properly.

The glasses are low on his nose -half of his vision is blurry and the other half is clear, separated by the black frames in the middle. One hand leaves the surface of the keyboard to touch the middle of the two circle lenses to push the object up his nose.

His eyes are slowly closing themselves.

The time is at fault but what can he do? He can't control the time or his feelings or the butterflies in his stomach. So here he is, two in the morning, a few hours until he has to wake up, leave the comfort of his bed and enter the doors of a new high school.

A new day is coming, a day in which memories have to be forgotten, the mourning months of the summer and the struggle with moving states have to be preserved in a room deep in his brain and not be remembered because if they are, that globe of unshared feelings inside him will explode.

Genny has no expectations, he learned that a long time ago but at least he wishes to arrive home in full pieces -emotionally and physically.

The difference between the last school and the one he's suppose to enter tomorrow is going to be noticeable- in which ways he doesn't know, but from the many movies and shows he has watched, moving high schools and being the new kid can only go two ways; become popular and live the cliché teenage life or become a victim of the school system in this country.

And since Genny is no social butterfly or extrovert his ending will probably be the second one but he chooses to remain calm and believe that there are many endings besides the ones shown to him by cliche Hollywood movies.

Like any other new beginning, the outcome is uncertain so Genny closes his laptop after saving the long page he has written and lays his head on the soft pillow, trying to sleep but his attempt ends with no success -the next hour filled with his mind imagining different scenarios and situation that could become reality tomorrow.

Like any other new beginning, the outcome is uncertain so Genny closes his laptop after saving the long page he has written and lays his head on the soft pillow, trying to sleep but his attempt ends with no success -the next hour filled with his m...

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