20. Mr. and Mrs. Steward

14K 521 729

(On Saturday, four days after meeting with Aiden)

Genny is sitting on his bed, staring up at the wall, the headphones in his ears.

Out of a sudden, the indie music that was playing in his ears stops and is interrupted by the ringtone of his phone.

The boy removes the headphone jack and looks at the caller ID, his brows furrowing when he sees Cameron's name.

Hesitantly, he answers. "Cameron?"

"Hi, Noah. Remember the favor you owned me?"

"Um... yeah sure. What about it?" Genny asks, biting his lip. He stands up from his bed and walks to his window, looking at the street outside and towards Cameron's house.

"It's not me who needs help, it's my friend."

Genny opens his mouth in an O shape.

"What do I have to do?"



And that's how Genny finds himself walking across the street and towards Cameron's front door. On the phone, the two agreed to meet up at Cameron's to make a plan.

From what Genny heard on the phone, Cameron's friend is in trouble at his school and he needs someone to get him out.

Pretty simple. And like this, Genny will be cleared of favors and he will finally be able to move on from what happened and start a new page.

Genny shivers as he waits in front of the door. The weather is pretty chilly, and Genny is only dressed in Christmas patterned pajama pants and Cameron's fluffy hoodie that he never returned after that night.

Maybe he's dressed too casually. He looks like he just woke up (which is true sort of), but he's going to Cameron's house, meeting Cameron, and he's dressed like this.

'Poopity. I look terrible.' Genny anxiously says, biting at his nails. Maybe he should give a quick run home and put on some jeans.

That plan goes to shit as the front door opens and Genny is greeted by Cameron's mother who is holding a cigarette between her red-covered lips.

"Genoah." The woman states, welcoming the shivering boy in. "Cameron is in his room." She announces and then closes the door with a loud bang, leaving the hall and ignoring Genny.

'Why is everyone in this family so cold?' Genny pouts and climbs up the stairs. He feels bad walking around someone else's home so freely, but he has permission and he was invited, he shouldn't be so nervous about everything.

He knocks on Cameron's bedroom door, and when he hears no response his shoulders slob down in disappointment. He stands in front of the door, not knowing what to do. He can't just go in.

A few minutes pass in which Genny remains like a spineless potato in front of the door, but then it suddenly slams open, revealing an annoyed Cameron.

"You seriously waited for me to respond to your knock?" He snaps and rolls his eyes, stepping away from the doorframe to let Genny in.

Genny widens his eyes, not liking Cameron's snappy attitude, "What if you were doing something private? It's called respect for others. You don't have it so it's no wonder you don't know about it." Genny narrows his eyes, stepping inside.

"Got an attitude?" Cameron asks, walking towards his desk.

"Could ask the same." Genny says and sits down on Cameron's bed.

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