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Casual information: If you didn't see by now, these pictures with their names appear when the pov changes from Cameron to Genny or sometimes to other characters like Andy or Blue (that didn't happen yet). The book is in third pov but third pov always has more perspectives from different characters. It's confusing but yes.

Cameron is walking down the street, hands in his pockets

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Cameron is walking down the street, hands in his pockets. The surrounding atmosphere is pressing over his senses, bringing him into a state of nostalgia and numbness.

The party he attended tonight ended half an hour ago and now Cameron finds himself heading home through the empty and cold streets of his hometown. It is the first time in years Cameron left a party this early. The sky is partially bright, a numb and greyish blue painting the sky as one flicker of sun ray rests at the bottom of the horizon, pleading to disappear into the emptiness of night.

Although the leather jacket that is covering his upper body, the boy still feels cold. A coolness that doesn't come from the weather or the early night but one that stirred inside his soul the moment his friends all went home and he was left alone to wander the city.

Constant shivers run up his spine and wake the hairs on his arms up. However, he pushes those emotions down, blaming them on the chillness of the upcoming night instead of accepting they come from his loneliness and unrouted nostalgia.

Beside the distant barks of stray dogs in the distance and the soft usher of the wind, everything is silent. Somehow, through all that silence Cameron can still feel the night haunting him down.

Running behind him in sound of fast steps, ready to catch him and crash all the memories and bad thoughts onto his already broken mind. That's why he hates the night.

A time of pure blackout which gives the time and silence for deep thoughts to resurface.

As Cameron continues his steps away from the eventide that waits to take over the sky, he looks around, noticing the homes around him. His neighborhood is a pretty quiet and well-kept one. That should be a good thing, but unfortunately it only brings more nervous emotions into his heart as he watches the warm lights behind the windows.

While families rest, dine, or laugh in the warmth of a home, Cameron is outside in coldness walking towards a house that was never his home.

He soon arrives close to his residence, spotting the perfectly white and elegant building in which his parents are probably waiting to scold him.

No matter how many years he spent in that house, it will always feel like a strange place with no warmth, no home.

He sighs in a barely audible sound, not wanting to disturb the calm silence.

Until a heartbreaking sob breaks the air.

Cameron's head snaps in the direction of the sudden sound, his dark green eyes landing on a small form sitting crouched down under a street light. The boy tilts his head, trying to place the familiar wild brown hair.

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