30. Break us apart

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"Cameron Isaac Howard. Explain." His mother shouts, sitting down on an empty chair, and her husband stands on his feet behind her, both looking at Cameron as if he were a criminal. Well, he kind of is. Physical assault is a crime. 

Genny feels nervous now that Cameron's parents are here. He met them, but they never talked. And Cameron's mother said a few rude things to him when he went to do the project with Cameron. For some reason, that feels like it happened ages ago.

Cameron rubs a hand over his face, feeling done with all this shit. He just wants to go home and cuddle Genny, but his parent's angry expressions say he's in deep trouble.

"I got into a fight." He states.

"We can see that! Why?" His father shouts, and Cameron feels too lazy to answer, so the principal does.

"Genoah here was in danger so your son helped him. Very brave." The principal smiles, trying to calm things down.

Cameron's mother looks at Genny, fire and something else in her eyes. Disgust. She looks Genny up and down and Genny squirms under her gaze.

"You lowered yourself to violence for this-" She scowl, her hand gesturing up and down Genny's body, "This... thing."

Genny flinches, his eyes moving onto his lap as he refuses to look at anyone. He feels too ashamed to do so.

Cameron chuckles, not amused at all. Just angry. "Lowered myself to violence? This is the first time you notice my violence in years? What about those time I came home with bruises all over me from getting into fights?" Exactly, mommy, you didn't give one fuck. But now suddenly that I do it for Noah, you care?" He spats out, and his mother takes one step back. 

"Do not talk like that to your mother." His father warns, and Cameron scoffs.

Genny feels as useless as a fork while he sits on the chair in front of the principal, not able to step in and defend Cameron. If he would, his mother would unleash fire.

"I suggest you take this outside." The principal shyly intervenes. Cameron's parents storm out of the room. Cameron turns towards Genny with a guilty and soft expression, as if he wanted to say something to the brunette, but before he can, his parents grab him.

Genny remains alone in the room, fiddling with his fingers as he looks down, not knowing what to do now that Cameron is gone and probably not coming back considering his parents are as angry as a Chihuahua on crack and they definitely wouldn't allow Cameron to see Genny.

Genny feels the principal's stare on him, "You too." He says, and Genny pouts.

He stands up, shoulders slouchy, and he moves out of the room at a glacial pace. Once he's in the hallway, he hears bickering, he looks to his left and sees Cameron and his parents, still fighting.

Genny remains in front of the principal's door, wrapping his arms around himself as he looks down, listening to the fight.

"You will get a girl and be normal, son." His father argues, and Genny can basically feel Cameron rolling his eyes.

"I don't know if you're mentally incapable, but I brought dudes in my room hundreds of times before. Did you think we were best buddies or sum? Hetero bros bumping testosterones?"

Genny tries not to giggle when he sees the father becoming full red at Cameron's foul language.

"YOU WILL NOT SEE THAT BOY AGAIN. He is destroying you."

"I was destroyed long before. If any so, he's healing me. I love him." Cameron argues, and Genny's eyes widen at the confession. He heard it before, but it seems different now. Much more serious.

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