Author's Note

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Ok, so, we're done. Thank you so much for reading, for every comment, and vote.

I'm glad I got another story done, and can now move on to maybe some non-human unusual gay romance, which I will talk about at the end of this note.

There's not much I have to say anymore about BOYS, so I will go on and expose some unknown facts about the story, which I hope you will have fun reading.

Fun facts:

1. Initially, the story was supposed to be about Alex and Cameron together. Remember in the second chapter when I wrote that they used to sleep in the same bed, and cuddle, and they grew up together very close. Well, this was supposed to be a childhood "straight" friends falling for each other. That's all I'll say cause I might do another story with that plot so I don't want to give too much out.

2. Genny was a redhead initially and Cameron was African but I decided against that because I wanted to keep those appearances for two characters in another book that I won't say anything about, for now.

3. Josh is in fact straight, he's just obsessed with Andy. I won't make that shitty of a character gay. Ever. Because the gays deserve better than Josh.

4. Blue is a power bottom and when I say power bottom, I mean full on, all the time, to the extreme.

5. The principal is secretly a furry.

6. Genny has a little mole right in the middle of his balls.

7. Cameron has a tattos behind his bottom lip. You guess what it says.

8. Aiden is getting a story, but warning, it will be very...different. He's not gonna turn into a good character and be all lovey dovey with his love interest, he is still a sadist and a psycho. But that's hot so.

9. Matthias hasn't been mentioned a lot, but he'll actually end up with Andy and have a long distance relationship which will lead to a lot of kinky stuff (*whisper* Skype sex). If I ever motivate myself to write some plus chapters for side ships, you will get to see their dynamic, and looking at Matthias' sweet virgin attitude and Andy's extrovert and dirty personality, you can guess their dynamic. I just love power bottoms.


Today I will post my third story inspired by Little Red Riding Hood, so if you are interested in werewolf stories, you might want to check it out.

Again, thank you so much for going along on this journey, and I hope you enjoyed it.

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