4.Skirts and Laps

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His soft fingers touch the door knob but like any other anxiety diagnosed teenager, he has second thoughts

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His soft fingers touch the door knob but like any other anxiety diagnosed teenager, he has second thoughts. Hesitation.

Genny knows he's gay and attracted to men but still, he never believed that he will actually find someone. Yes, he is cute but at the same time he's too problematic, anxious and weird overall. He just never saw himself in a relationship.

Even when he tries imagining it like most girls do, his brain just stops. It is an impossible reach but still, he is attracted to men and the room he is about to step into is filled with half naked, sweaty, fresh showered boys.

And that's not even the biggest problem. Thanks to madam Anxiety, changing in front of other people is not something Genny looks forward to.

And another thanks to madam Anxiety and her sisters Asthma and Problems With Breathing, Genny can't work out. So his body is not exactly skinny or muscular.

Genny wishes he could say that he has a bit of fat in all the right places, but it's not just the right places. Thighs and butt -check. But there's also another check Genny hates -his tummy.

The innocent boy doesn't know that the thickness of his lower part is hot, he believes that his body is ugly altogether, which brings him back to the anxiety of changing in public, which brings him back to his fingers on the doorknob and the hesitation in his heart.

Josh is another problem, his attitude and bullying tendencies are an obvious aggravation to Genny's anxiety. But Andrew is also there, so maybe Genny's worries are unnecessary.

Once he finds the power, Genny turns the doorknob and enters the room. Not one second passes and the humidity is pressing on his lungs and making it hard for him to breathe. At least there is enough steam to block the view of male genitalia.

With his head down he walks through the boys and blushes every time his shoulder brushes against another body.

Fortunately for his small and sensitive heart, Genny finds Andy sitting on a bench far away in a corner so he hurries in that direction.

As the blond sees his new friend approaching him, he smiles. A dimpled smile classic Andrew Mayer.

"How are you already dressed?" Genny asks as he analyzes the red soccer shorts and the white T-shirt that's a little too big on Andy.

Genny's overthinking appears once again 'Wait, if it is big on Andy then how big will it be on me? I'm a little smaller than him. Oh no. I don't want to be too exposed. It's not modest, and I'm not the most confident person when it comes to my body. What am I going to do. Oh n—'

"I changed in the bathroom before." Andy interrupts Genny's overthinking and stops the boy from hyperventilating "Here." He hands the boy his own uniform. Genny takes it and with his bottom lip between his perfectly straight teeth he looks around the room, trying to find a proper place to change.

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