21. Take a seat on daddy's meat

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The day of Monday comes as Genny finds himself walking towards the school entrance, Andy and Blue by his side.

The two waited for Genny at the bus stop so they can all enter together.

Andy has been asking about Aiden, making Genny uncomfortable and flustered. He didn't tell them yet. Almost a week has passed since Aiden left town, a week of Andy and Blue being confused about why he left, a week of Genny being a coward and not telling them the truth.

He will though, he will tell them today during lunch break.

Now, he's headed to Math class with Andy while Blue takes the route of a different hallway. He feels giddy in a way. Because Cameron is in that class.

And Genny knows that there is nothing going on between them. He returned the favor on Saturday, and all connections between them are broken. But he can't help how he's feeling. Hopefully, it will go away in a few weeks, and he will finally be able to move on.

"You've been acting weird," Andy states as they walk towards the classroom, Genny staring at his friend with furrowed brows, pretending he doesn't know what Andy is talking about.

"I am not." He stubbornly responds, clutching his books at his chest.

"You're lying. But I'll find out." Andy innocently smiles and the conversation dies as they enter the classroom.

Without wanting to, Genny looks around the room, trying to spot Cameron, and when he sees him in the back seats talking to Alex, he looks down with a blush and picks a seat in the first row, Andy sitting right next to him.

While waiting for the teacher, Genny tries to hold himself back from turning around and glancing at the back seats. Instead, he looks at Andy, contemplating.


The blonde turns his head to look at Genny, waiting for him to continue.

"At lunch, I need to tell you and Blue something." He says, making Andy worried.

"Is it bad?"

Genny nods. Andy looks at him with a deep gaze, opening his mouth to say something, but the teacher comes in and the class goes silent.

"Before we start I will announce the important news of the day." The teacher starts, placing her books and supplies on the desk in front of the blackboard. "This weekend the school organizes a tent trip because we noticed you youngsters spend too much time using technology. The trip doesn't allow phones or any kind of device. Just nature."

After the announcement, the class erupts in groans and complains. Genny, on the other hand, is worrying about what tent he's going to bring. He has three, all different colors and designs, and he has no idea which to pick.

It seems like a minor problem, but it's actually enormous.

"Your tents will be of two. So pair up. The only classes participating are the 11th and 9th. 10th and 12th are going to a water park in Chicago." Ms. Canny continues, a few other groans filling the class.

"It's not fair they're going to a waterpark and we're going in the woods with animals." Genny hears a girl whisper behind him, probably to her friend.

"Wait. So freshmen come too?" Alex asks the teacher.

"I already said that once. Are you deaf?" Miss Canny snaps.

"No. I just wasn't paying attention cause you're boring." Alex answers, making miss Canny shoot him a glare.

"We leave Saturday at 9 am. The bus will be in front of the school. On the ride, you will sit next to your tent partner."

After that, the class starts, miss Canny not allowing students to discuss anything about the trip or about who shares a tent with who.

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