7. History

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As days passed, and Genny spent most of his time at school and with Andy, Saturday finally came. And the day of Saturday is the day of project making, or that's what Cameron said as he passed Genny through the hall.

He barely glanced at the brunette boy, he treated him with such coldness as he casually threw around the information of his address.

Genny didn't give it so much thought at that moment, he decided to blame it on Cameron's reputation and personality, but now -as he's taking slow steps towards Cameron's house, he isn't so sure of that anymore.

'Maybe it's me. Maybe he's so cold because he doesn't like me.'

Another few steps, and Genny arrives at his colleague's front door. It surprised him to find out that they're neighbors, but it calmed him down to know that he won't need to travel creepy streets at night to get back home after they finish the project.

Holding one hand up, finding the courage to knock, he taps the wooden door, a sigh leaving his mouth.

'Or maybe he's like that with everyone.'

The door opens, and Genny comes face to face with a tall woman. The white shirt is covering her upper body, hugging it perfectly, a few buttons undone to reveal her bra. The accessories don't miss shining around her neck, on her ears, fingers and even hair.

A cigarette hangs from her lipstick covered lips, and her narrowed eyes analyze the boy in front of her.

Genny plays with the straps of his minion backpack, realizing this is Cameron's mother. The wrinkles around her eyes and her sharp cheekbones show the age, and Genny can notice the resemblance between the two. The same brown hair, careless expression, and piercing eyes.

With a snappy tone, she moves out of the door frame and welcomes Genny in.

"You're Genoah, right?" She asks, and Genny's eyes slightly widen.

'So he knows my name.' A hopeful expression takes over his face. It is a small thing, but Genny can't help but be surprised.

As she walks further into the house, Genny following her, she starts talking while drawing out of the cigarette, smoke exploding around her.

"I looked your name up on the school site since my son is stupid and can't remember shit."


Genny remains silent as the women walks him to the kitchen. The house looks minimal, and not exactly rich, but they must have hired a good interior designer that can manipulate the eye. The kitchen is fully white and elegant, connecting with enormous glass doors that lead to the backyard with perfectly cut grass, a path splitting it and leading to a pool.

Everything is so white, simple, and somehow cold. Genny can't imagine how someone could live in such a house. No family pictures, rugs, pillows, nothing. The couch looks like white stone in rectangle shape, and the windows let too much light in, making the rooms look like a hospital.

The woman turns around to look at Genny, taking another drag out of the cigarette, blowing smoke directly into Genny's face.

Her long manicured finger tap on the kitchen counter, as Genny becomes more nervous.

"Cameron is in the garden with his father." She informs.

'So his name is Cameron...'

"He should arrive soon." She continues.

Right as she voices those words, a tall figure steps into the room through the glass doors. Cameron yawns as he shakes the water off his head, a towel slouched over his broad shoulder. A white t-shirt rests on his wet skin, creating transparent spots here and there. Genny can clearly see that he just got out of the pool.

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