35. My project partner

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Warning! Sexual content

Cameron stands up from the bed, putting himself in front of Genny in case he needs to protect him.

At first, Genny was too caught up in the affection of Cameron's arms and the warmth of the bed to notice anyone coming in, but when he saw Cameron jump off the bed, he stood up too, eyes wide as he looks at Cameron's parents who seem as if they are ready for murder.

Genny would stand up next to Cameron but he only has his underwear and a t-shirt on, and he really doesn't want to expose himself like that. He leans over the bed to grab his pants. He quickly puts them on and stands up, wrapping his arms around himself as he hides behind Cameron's tense form.

"What in the heavens is this?!" His mother cries out, her face red and jaw clenched.

"Get away from my son, you cunt." The dad yells and walks to Genny and attempts to grab him, but not before Cameron stops him, his big hand clasping around his father's arm, pushing him away.

"Don't you fucking dare." Cameron threatens. His father's nostrils widen and he bares his teeth to say something, but the next thing that happens is the sound of a slap.

Cameron's head turns the other way and Genny clasps a hand over his mouth, going to grab Cameron, but Cameron pushes him back and takes a step towards his dad, standing up to him.

"You can't tell me what to do." Cameron argues, which results in his dad grabbing his upper arm.

"You stand under our roof, you do what we say!"

"We told you to stay away from this boy and you went against us." His father yells.

"Well, I love him." Cameron yanks his arm away from his fathers hold, and a huge gasps is heard, coming from Cameron's mother.

"At first we thought is was just experimenting, but this- this... LOVE?!" His mother screams.

"What's so fucking hard to believe? I'm sorry no one loved you mom. Not your husband, and certainly not your children." Cameron says, and his mother twists her face and goes to attack him, but her husband stops her and pushes her back.

"Look here, boy," The father gets into Cameron's face, holding one threatening finger up, "You either stop seeing this boy or we will contact his parents who I'm sure wouldn't like this faggotery."

Cameron's glare hardens. "For fuck's sake his uncle is abusive, you fucking rat. Don't you dare."

As Cameron says that, his father's eyes lighten up, as if he found a miracle solution.

"Even better. We will call his uncle and see what happens then to your boy lover. You want him without bruises, then stay away from him." His father threatens, and the air basically leaves both Cameron's and Genny's chests.

Now that's a threat Cameron can't ignore. At first, they threatened just him, which was fine, but now they're threatening Genny too. Cameron knew his parents were assholes, but not like this.

His father steps away from Cameron and walks to Genny, who this time, stands his ground and looks the older man in the eyes, trying to understand how someone could be this ignorant and evil.

"You stay away from my son, or we send you back to your uncle." The father whispers, trying to intimidate Genny, but it only makes him more determined to get Cameron away from this household. One more year until college, yet, it seems like an eternity.

"ARE WE CLEAR?" His father yells, and Genny's eyes land on Cameron to see his response, his reaction, and when he sees that his broad shoulders are slouched in defeat, he knows they are being broken apart again.

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