32. White Mail and Cum

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HUGE WARNING: Mention of r*pe!!! (and Genny and Blue being stupid)

Genny stares down at Andy's phone, his eyes sweeping over Josh's message repeatedly.

'Don't forget about our deal. You don't want the whole school to know, do you? Then fucking call me. Don't try me, Andrew.'

For a few moments, Genny remains stone, thinking of what the message could possibly mean. He knows Josh is a bad person, but he thought that he's different with Andy. Or so it seemed. Then why is he threatening him? And with what? And what shouldn't the school know?

Genny thinks of different scenarios, but in the end it doesn't really matter what Josh is threatening Andy with, it matters that he stops threatening him.

And there is a way to make Josh stop, but Andy must not know of it.


Genny ushers down the hall, dodging people, Blue walking beside him. It is the middle of the week, and Genny specifically knows that he has PE first class. It is still early on to go to the lockers, but Genny and Blue are headed there because the chances of finding Josh there are high. If not, Genny will look for him in the whole school.

Yesternight when Andy came out of the shower, Genny didn't tell him that he saw the message. Andy checked his phone but didn't say anything about it, he didn't seem worried, which could mean this has happened many times before.

There's only one way to find out, and that's by confronting Josh. Genny could've asked Andy about it, or even ask him to join him and Blue, but he would have definitely refused. If he didn't say anything when seeing the message, why would he say anything when confronted about it?

Blue decided to tag along when Genny texted him in the morning and told him Josh is threatening Andy.

And now here they are, turning a corner and then barging into the locker room. Looking around, Genny notices emptiness and silence, except that Josh is in front of his locker, putting his socker shorts on. As Josh hears the door opening, his head snaps upwards. No one comes in the locker rooms this early. At first, Josh expects to see Andy, but his face falls when he sees his two friends.

"What do you want?" Josh smirks, throwing his jeans in the locker and turning to look at the two boys who both look very determined and angry.

Josh's eyes linger on a mad Genny, and his smirk widens, "I heard you're not Howard's boy toy anymore." He states trying to provoke the brunette.

"Shut up." Genny snaps as he comes in front of Josh. He's only reaching Josh's shoulder, but he stands his ground. "I came to talk about Andy."

Josh's smirk falls. He puffs his chest and stares Genny down, "What's your pig nose doing in mine and Andrew's business?"

"I'm trying to protect him from you." Genny answers. It's true. After everything Andy has done for him, giving him a place to sleep, saving him from getting bullied at the beginning of the year, becoming his friend, Genny owes him this.

Josh huffs as he hears that, "From me? I'm the one protecting Andy. I've been doing that since high school started. And I'll keep doing it."

"Protect him? By threatening him?" Blue steps in between Genny and Josh.

"He doesn't fucking listen to me. He doesn't let me take care of him."

"SO YOU THREATEN HIM?" Blue yells.

"It's for his own good." Josh says and looks down at his feet, clenching his fist by his sides. Genny tries to understand Josh's way of thinking. He's trying to protect Andy from something, but Andy doesn't want to be with Josh, so Josh tries manipulating him into it but he doesn't see anything wrong with it because he's manipulating him for the "right" reasons. It's a lesser evil.

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