3. Stains and Friends

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Cameron, Josh and Andrew and the other two boys are seated at three desks, Sam and Andrew sitting on them with their legs dangling off the edge while the other three occupy the chairs.

Ms. Canny's voice is heard through the classroom as she's reading her algebra textbook and writes equations on the blackboard. The students are supposed to copy her equations and solutions in their notebooks since next week the Math subject from today is going to be a test but no one in that classroom seemed to care about the lesson besides Genny.

She started her lesson a few minutes ago but there are still students missing from the class. She doesn't mind though; she already wrote the future test subject and when everyone arrives, she will start to explain it to them. After a few moments the class is complete and the chattering between the teenagers stops as Ms. Canny slams her hands on the front desk.

Cameron isn't fazed by her stern attitude. He doesn't care about the class or anything that would happen in the next 50 minutes.

His plan of graduating high school is pretty simple -he will relax most of the year and not learn for most test papers since those tests only make 30 percent of his final grade. What is important and what makes the other 70 percent are the projects. Almost each subject has projects all throughout the year.

There is a main one with 50 percent of the grade and a few other ones that consist in sheet projects. So his plan is simple. Struggle with the main project, get a good grade on that and ignore all the other ones.

At first when he entered high school, he wasn't sure if it was going to work but he passed every single subject with that plan ever since he was a freshman.

After everyone settled down and Cameron rested his head in his arms that were crossed on top of the desk, the teacher decided to start talking.

"Ok, everyone, be quiet!" Ms. Canny screams and slams her ruler on her massive desk, forcing everyone to shut up. "So, as you all know this is the first day of a new high school year. New hopes, new dreams, new friends and maybe a new future and a new yourself. It is important to find ourselves and what we like to do because you juniors have two more years and then you have to look for a college. My job is to join you in this journey of self discovery and help you if you meet any obstacles." She explains with a big smile on her face and Cameron silently huffs at how cheesy that is.

'Self discovery my ass. I wanna eat some nuggets and die.' Cameron says in his head and rolls his eyes, trying to take a nap but Ms. Canny opens her mouth once again and disturbs Cameron from his rest. He looks at her in annoyance.

"I know most of you and I know your struggles as well," she says and at that exact moment locks eyes with Cameron who awkwardly glances away from her. Just because she once found him crying in the janitor's closet doesn't mean that she knows his struggles or that she can help him.

"I am always glad to help you and I am always here for you and so am I also for our new students this year." she continues and takes a paper in her hands, adjusts her glasses and starts to read. Cameron doesn't care about that either and he wishes to zone out, but all his desire to sleep this class out vanished because of the teacher's cheesy speech so the only thing left for him to do is pay attention.

"Actually it is just one." she exclaims while smiling. "Genoah Jensen. Where are you?" she asks and looks around the class, Cameron doing the same. 

"Oh there you are!" she yells in an exciting voice as a boy shyly raises his hand. As Cameron lays eyes on him he notices that he's also in the back row. His brown hair is falling over his dark eyes and black framed glasses resting on his freckled nose. His lips seem to be naturally pouty and the blush deepens on his face as Ms. Canny continues her sentence.

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