22. Tent trip

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Genny gags as a road bump makes the whole bus shake, sending his stomach into a spin. The smell of sweaty teenagers and the smell of bacon from the sandwich Andy opened are only making Genny feel sicker.

He feels like he's going to die. There's something glued to the back of his throat, and he feels acid coming up his throat. He is going to puke.

This has never happened to him before. He never had car sickness. He moved states at the end of summer, being in a car for 18 hours, and he didn't feel as sick as he feels now.

Maybe it's because he's in a bus and not in a car. A bus with loud and annoying teenagers who bring the most disgusting smelling foods with them to eat on the ride.

Either way, there's only 30 minutes until they arrive at the destination, and Genny hopes he won't puke. That would be embarrassing. It will only give the bullies another reason to bully him or give him a nickname.

'Barf bag', 'The vomit f*g', 'Duke of Puke'.

Genny heard plenty of stories about people who got nicknames at the beginning of high school, and everyone called them that for the whole four years. Genny doesn't want to be one of those people.

He and Andy are sitting in the middle rows of the bus, Alex, and Blue in the seats opposite the bus hallway.

From time to time, Genny subtly glances back to see Cameron in the far back seats next to two girls and another guy. Genny saw those three people next to Cameron plenty of times; at lunch, in the hallways, in the gym. So they must be good friends.

Genny supposes Cameron will share a tent with the guy, leaving the two girls to share one.

This morning, Genny gave Alex the brown tent Cameron asked to borrow so that Alex can give it to Cameron.

And yes, it would have been easier if Genny gave it to Cameron, but after what happened yesterday, the boy wants to avoid any kind of contact with Cameron.

Sometimes, when Genny looked back too long, Cameron would catch him and smirk, knowing how his actions affect the brunette. Genny would immediately look away and pretend nothing happened.

And so, with shy glances and smirks, the ride passes and the bus arrives at its destination -luckily, empty of any puke.

One by one, the students climb out and retrieve their bags from the compartment of the bus.

Genny grabs his backpack. He only packed some change clothes and other necessities. But as he looks to his side and sees Blue with a huge troller next to him, he's not sure he did his bag right.

But he had no one to help him. Usually, when kids go on a trip, their mother helps them pack. But Genny has no mother, so he had to figure it out on his own.

After stepping away from the bus, he looks around, seeing an empty field surrounded by a forest. There is a long wooden cabin at the edge of the forest, and Genny is sure that's where they'll take lunch and do other inside activities.

The field is green and big enough for everyone to have a tent spot.

All students gather in a group, standing in front of the sports coach and miss Canny. They're the only teachers that are attending.

"Ok, kids. I'll give you one hour to put your tents up. If you have any problems, come to me for help. After you're done we will meet inside the cabin." The coach explains, and the students nod. After a few moments pass and no one moves a finger, the coach groans. "GO! Shu, shu." He flies his hands at the teenagers, and then they all scatter across the field to put their tents up.

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