9. Bruised Promises

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"You fucking waste of space." The man yells, pushing the boy. He's being slammed down onto the floor, crashing on a few boxes. He whimpers, covering his skull as a foot is being slammed down onto his ribs.

"Please." A soft whimper is heard. The hitting stops as a rough hand takes a hold of Genny's hair, bringing the boy on his knees.

Tears stream down his face as he looks up, scared of what's to come. His uncle grips his jawline, digging his nails into it. He smirks, showing his yellow teeth. The alcohol is reeking off him.

"I don't feel like hurting your face today." The man chuckles, an evil smile on his face. He lets Genny fall back on the floor, the boy immediately curling into a fetal position, sniffling.

Another punch slams onto his arm, another foot into his ribs, and then Genny hears steps retreating.

He lifts his head with a grimace, and after he notices that the danger is gone, he sits up. He wipes his tears with the back of his sleeve as the oversized sweater covers his whole hand. He pouts, lifting his sweater to analyze the bruises on his torso.

He caresses his bare tummy, trying to soothe the aching feeling. He already has a stomach burn since this morning, and now the bruises are only making the pain worse.

He just wants to curl into a ball and hug something warm whether it's a pillow or Cameron.

Speaking about Cameron.

'Poop. How late is it?' Genny exclaims in his head, looking for his bag. He takes the phone out, noticing he's ten minutes late.

He panics and grabs his backpack and jacket, walking out the door. While crossing the street he tries to wipe the dry tears on his cheeks as good as possible.

Before he can even lift his hand to knock, the door opens, and Cameron stands before him. Genny looks down at the dark-haired boy's pajama bottoms with Christmas pattern, and at the white hoodie covering his chest.

"You're late." Cameron states the obvious, making Genny feel uneasy.

"You're late everywhere too." Genny says.

Cameron rolls his eyes and invites the boy in. The two walk to Cameron's room as usual.

This is the last day they meet to do this and tomorrow is presentation day. After that, the most realistic thing that could happen is that both go back to their own friend groups and to their own lives. And Genny will surely get over his crush in no time, he just needs to stay away.

But now the priority is to finish the project, make it perfect, and get a good grade.

Genny takes out his supplies as the usual routine starts. Cameron sits on the floor smoking and yawning as Genny is working. But today is different.

As Genny is writing, stretching to grab photos, and coloring, the sleeve of his baby blue sweater is slowly moving up his arm, revealing the pale skin underneath and the blue and purple littering over it.

Cameron's eyes flicker to the bruise on Genny's arm and he lets the cigarette fall from between his lips.

The dark-haired boy slowly approaches Genny a few inches, but is careful to keep the distance unlike last time.

Genny is obvious to Cameron's eyes that stare deeply at the bruise under his elbow.

Then Cameron breaks the silence.

"What happened to your arm?" He asks, trying to hide the worry in his voice.

Genny turns his head to look into Cameron's hazel eyes, he widens his eyes like a puppy and then looks at his arm.

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