25. Jealousy

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"W-What are you doing here?" Genny asks as he rushes Victoria inside his house, closing the door behind them.

Genny told Cameron he'll talk to him tomorrow at school and then he basically flew inside the house, dragging Victoria after him.

Cameron was left outside, confused and hurt that Genny ditched him, but then he went inside his house to eat and sleep which instantly made him feel better.

And before going to sleep he might or might have not jerked off to the thought of Genny riding him. And while Cameron was doing the extreme unholiness, Genny was dealing with the arrival of an unexpected family member.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I missed my little baby brother." Victoria sweetly smiles, and being the fake and extreme bitch she is, she reaches out to rub Genny's cheek, but the boy slaps her hand away, his gaze hard and angry.

"I thought we agreed that you will live with aunt Jillian and I will live with uncle Bart. You are here violating the court decision, you could get our guardians sued and we will end up in an adoption center. How can you be so reckless?" Genny exclaims, and Victoria rolls her eyes.

"After all this time you're still so rigid. Relax. Jillian is in Alaska with her animal shelter job and I had no place to stay. Our children services assistant said it was okay to come live with you until summer." Victoria explains, flicking her hair and turning around, walking into the house and analyzing the surroundings.

Genny's limbs shake as she superficially touches the unopened boxes left in the hall, opening them and glancing inside.

Genny furiously stomps after her, holding back from not slapping her hands that touch the boxes. Those are Genny's private things, and she shouldn't feel so entitled to snoop through them.

"You can't just come here unannounced. Uncle will not-"

"I already spoke to him on the phone. He was more than delighted to welcome me. Now I wonder where your hospitality is." She mocks, continuing to walk around the hall, the sound of her boots clicking over the floor.

She has an alternative style. By her bitchy personality, you would expect her to be a fake-tanned, typical pink-wearing mean girl. But she definitely breaks the toxic stereotype.

Her hair is died jet black, her red lipstick never missing from her lips, and her thick black eyeshadow never missing from around her brown eyes. She has the usual attire Genny got used to throughout the years; black and ripped jeans, huge boots, very revealing blouses, and the typical feminine red leather jacket. She isn't missing the piercings and tattoos either.

Although they are siblings, she's the complete opposite of Genny, rude, lazy, manipulative, and basically a bitch.

"You're so mean to me, baby bro." She fakely pouts as she twirls a dark hair strand. "I'm your lovely sister after all." She smiles, and Genny is literally about to explode.

When she gets no response from the boy, Victoria turns around to look at a certain unopened box, a box far away into the hall, hidden.

When Victoria lays her manicured evil hand on top of the box, Genny grits his teeth.

"Oh, you still haven't opened this box?" Victoria mocks, looking down at the box labeled 'Family photos'. Reading those two words, Genny gets flashbacks, and he tries to hold back tears.

He's been avoiding opening this specific box for good reasons.

"You had one summer to grief, get over it already. It's tiring." Victoria rolls her eyes.

"Of course you wouldn't feel bad about it, you are the one that killed them." Genny finally snaps, saying everything that's on his mind.

"Now you are exaggerating. I was in that car too when it crashed. Don't invalidate my trauma." Victoria scoffs.

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