28. What happens in the bathroom, stays in the bathroom

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Warning! Sexual things ahead.

Genny blushes and tries to hide his red face behind Cameron's jacket that he's now wearing. He tucks himself further into the passenger seat of Cameron's car as Cameron keeps teasing him about last night.

The two are on their way to school. After Genny woke up in the morning in Cameron's warm arms, he checked his phone and when he saw the clock, he started panicking. Cameron woke up soon after, an arm draping over Genny's waist, trying to pull the boy back down into the bed, but Genny simply refused.

Cameron was mad that their romantic morning was destroyed, but as Genny jumped off the bed and immediately fell down on the floor, crying in pain, Cameron's frustration turned into worry. It was clear that Genny was sore and hurting after last night, but Cameron didn't expect him to not be able to walk.

After a lot of struggles for the two, they finally managed to get out of the house although as Genny saw the after-party mess in the living room he basically threw a whole tantrum and attempted to clean everything, but Cameron literally threw the boy over his broad shoulder and they walked to Cameron's car that was parked across the street all while Genny was blabbering about how irresponsible Victoria was to leave such a mess.

During the entire ride to the school, Cameron kept making dirty jokes and teasing Genny about last night and how slutty he was. Genny, obviously, got mad and tried to make Cameron stop, but no success.

"You should be a porn star, you know?" Cameron smirks, his hot hands handling and turning the steering wheel.

"Ughh. Shut up." Genny whines, stomping his feet. His face is red as a tomato, and he is going to explode soon if Cameron keeps teasing him like that.

Cameron lets out a throaty laugh. "I'm serious. The way you were moving your hips. Damn." Cameron smirks, liking the way his words affect Genny.

Genny groans, "I hate you."

"I love you," Cameron replies, knowing that those three words will make Genny a mushy mess.

After a lot more teasing and jokes, the car arrives in the school parking lot. With help from Cameron, Genny manages to climb out of the car with a wince showing on his face, and the two walk inside the school hall, Genny limping and Cameron worriedly holding him.

First, they walk to Genny's locker so that the brunette can retrieve his books for his first class which is Maths. As Genny rummages through his locker, Cameron leans on the other locker doors, staring at his boyfriend. They never really made it official, but it's pretty clear how things stand, but Cameron definitely plans on taking Genny out on a proper date.

Genny is leaning forward a bit, his bum sticking out, and Cameron's eyes immediately land on the boy's body. He licks his lips as he stares at the shape of Genny's butt cheeks, and Cameron can't thank Genny enough that he decided to wear grey sweatpants today because they just make his thighs look delicious.

Out of nowhere, Cameron finds himself horny again, and he takes a step forward so that he's behind Genny.

Genny turns around when he feels something hard press against him and he widens his eyes when he notices that Cameron's outstretched hand is caging him against the locker.

"What are you-" Those words are interrupted by Cameron's lip softly pressing against Genny's. At first, Genny doesn't react, his eyes wide as he looks at the people across the hall who stopped to stare, but when Cameron leans more into him, his big hand across Genny's waist as he presses their bodies together, Genny gives in and pecks Cameron back.

When he notices that Cameron's kiss is getting a bit too passionate, Genny pulls away, out of breath and red as a tomato.

"People are staring, Cam." Genny whispers, his hands clutching at Cameron's t-shirt and his eyes shyly analyzing the room.

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