34. Jealousy

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Warnings: H*tler's name mentioned uncensored, smut
(Change of present tense to past tense to signal a flashback)


Winter time is coming around. Genny's thin shoes do nothing for his freezing feet, or for the snow entering his shoes and staining his socks.

His arms wrap around himself as he's shivering and hurrying his steps, he heads towards Cameron's house in coldness but excitement at the same time.

Things have healed for the past week. Not properly, but they still healed. Andy is back to school, and everyone stopped talking about the video, including Alex and Blue and Cameron's friend group who know Andy personally.

As for Josh, the only thing stopping him from being obsessed over Andy and trying to beg for his forgiveness is Cameron who doesn't hold back to throw a punch or a threat just to defend Andy.

Josh remained what he always was, a closeted bully surrounded by his ignorant friend group who will stand by his side no matter what.

As for Genny and Cameron, kisses in the school bathroom, behind the closed doors of Andy's home and behind the walls at the back of the school where no one can see them or accuse their love. Not Cameron's parents, not Victoria, not Josh, or anyone else.

Genny would have thought that having a secret relationship and hiding your love would be hard, but surprisingly, everything is going fine.

Even now, Genny is heading towards Cameron's place to sleep over. His overwhelming parents are out of town for the night, and the two lovers can finally be free. At least for a night.

At first, when Cameron suggested the plan to come over one day ago, Genny was excited.

They arranged Cameron will drive them to his house after school, but considering Genny is walking on foot through snow, the plan obviously failed. And it might be Genny's fault, but he was clueless that Cameron could be so possessive.

It happened earlier this morning. Andy and Genny were walking down the hall to a class they shared. The halls were filled with unknown students who have arrived from a neighbour German school in the same town to visit a typical 'American' school.

Busier than usual, it was inevitable for Genny not to bump into someone, a certain tall German boy with blonde hair.

The boy was sent flying, his books down with him, and after helping him back up, Genny couldn't feel worse. Blushing and blabbering, he tried to apologize and in the end it ended fine because the German boy, named Matthias, was very sweet. His white teeth shined as he smiled, his button-up shirt making him look clean and nerdy despite his muscular frame and frat boyish face.

After what happened with Aiden, Genny was hesitant to become friends with a new student, but Matthias seemed to prove himself nice and kind as he invited both Andy and Genny to lunch in the cafeteria and to lunch after school, too.

Genny unfortunately couldn't accept the after school lunch invite because he had plans with Cameron, so it remained that Matthias and Andy will go alone, which made Andy silently squeal in Genny's ear when Matthias turned his head the other way to rummage through his backpack for his phone.

Before heading to the cafeteria, they had one more class to go through, and luckily, Matthias decided to join them to the class.

Genny and Matthias remained alone next to the classroom door to wait for Andy, who forgot his book in his locker and went to retrieve it.

Conversation started, and at first Genny felt awkward because Matthias was so friendly and touchy, but Genny slowly eased into their interaction and found Matthias quite funny.

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