5. Chair in the face

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This is the fifth day at Genny's new high school and yet things went good except some words from Josh thrown here and there as he passed him in the hallway or at lunch

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This is the fifth day at Genny's new high school and yet things went good except some words from Josh thrown here and there as he passed him in the hallway or at lunch.

As Genny is walking to his locker to retrieve the books for the first period, his mind drifts off to the Adonis looking guy from the locker room. He saw Josh this week plenty of times, but that guy was never with him, so maybe they aren't friends like Genny thought they were.

Either way, other people's friendships aren't his business.

"Hi!" Andrew greets his friend as Genny comes to a stop next to his locker. Apparently, Andy was waiting for him there.

After Genny gathers his books and notebooks for the day, he and Andy walk down the hall, heading to different classes. Although the two are in the same grade, they only see each other in Math class, gym, and lunch, which is unfortunate since Genny would like to spend more time with Andy.

But that is the school program and the two have to oblige to it.

They separate different ways with the promise that they will see each other at lunch.

Today Genny has history and unfortunately, that is one of his least favorite subjects. Either way, it is a subject that holds importance over his GPA, so he has to find a way to like history.

As he enters the classroom, he chooses the front rows, not making the same mistake he did the first time.

"Hi, everyone. I hope your day is going well. I see that not everyone is in here so we will wait 5 more minutes for the rest and if they don't come, I will write an absence for them." The female teacher explains and starts handing sheets of paper to each student. Once Genny gets his he gives it a quick look, noticing different history themes.

"The program for this year is good and there are a lot of activities. I wrote the program for this semester on the sheets that you just got."

"So as you can read there will be one big project and a few other small assignments in forms of essays and Power Point presentations. You will do the big project in pairs and this time you can choose your partner." She continues and at the hearing of last part Genny looks around.

He's new here, and choosing a partner will prove to be an incredibly difficult task. No one likes him around here, no one knows him, and he knows no one.

Maybe he'll just pair with the last person left like it usually happens in movies.

Suddenly, the classroom door opens, slamming against the wall.

The teacher's head snaps in that direction, a scowl on her face. She's called Miss Jamie, or at least that's the information Genny got from the school web page. There is no time to think about names though, since in the door frame stands the dark-haired boy Genny flushed over in the locker room.

He's dressed in a white V-neck that exposes his slightly tan skin. But that's all that's exposed to the public eyes, the rest is left for the imagination. A leather jacket rests on his shoulders and arms, the same black color as his skinny ripped jeans and Doc Martens that have their laces messily undone, revealing the socks underneath.

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