29. The fight

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As the two walk towards the angry man in the middle of the schoolyard, Cameron's heart grows with a feeling of furry, and that furry turns into worry when he sees the defeated look Genny holds on his face.

"We don't have to-" Cameron starts, knowing that they might as well turn around and avoid all of this.

"I want to see what he wants." Genny lowers his voice as the two come closer to Genny's uncle. Cameron clenches his fists, prepared for anything.

"Hi." Genny squeaks as he comes in front of his uncle. He signals for Cameron to remain closer to the entrance because he's scared of how his uncle will react to another person. Cameron doesn't agree but does as Genny says.

He remains next to the exit door, the shadow of the building falling over his face as he glares at Genny's uncle, muscular arms crossed over his chest.

"Hi?" Genny's uncle roars, making Genny flinch. Some students are outside classes in a break so they're scattered across the yard, most witnessing the uncle's wrath. "You trash my house and all you have to say is hi?" He shouts, his fists clenched by his sides.

Genny was abused in private. A lot. He is scared of his uncle in general, but each time they go out in public, for groceries or other things, Genny's soul comes to rest knowing that nothing will happen to him while others are around. This time is different. This time, Genny's uncle could go so far as hitting the boy in front of everyone.

Genny's brows furrow at his uncle's words.

"DON'T ACT INNOCENT, BOY. Victoria told me how you carelessly threw a party and didn't clean after yourself." The uncle yells and Genny's mouth drops open at the news. He should have known Victoria would set him up. Genny knows she wanted to do a childish prank, they used to do that to each other a lot before the car crash, she probably didn't think much into the consequences.

And Genny can't blame her because she doesn't know how abusive their uncle is considering he always acted sweetly around her just to not spark suspicions and land himself in jail because Victoria would press charges.

There is no way for Genny to get out of this situation. His uncle would never believe that Victoria threw the party because she acts so nice around him. They're both liars and manipulators, and unfortunately, Genny got caught between their lies.

The brunette opens his mouth while shaking in fear, his eyes slowly moving across the schoolyard. People are curiously glancing, and it only makes Genny's anxiety worse. "I didn't-"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T, YOU CUNT? You're lying now?!" The uncle raises his hand, and Genny almost attempts to cover his head with his hands like he usually does, but then he remembers there are people around so he spares himself more embarrassment.

"W-We're in public, p-please-" Genny whimpers.

"NOW YOU'RE EMBARRASSED? I bet you acted like a f*ggot the whole party, sucking dick. You disobedient slut-" The uncle's hand wraps around Genny's throat, cutting his air.

"I didn't throw the party." Genny almost yells, interrupting the angry man thing which only adds fuel to the fire.

"DON'T INTERRUPT ME." He raises his fist, attempting to hit Genny, but before he can he is grabbed by the collar and slammed on the hood of his car. Genny jumps back as he watches Cameron slam his uncle down into the car so hard the hood dents.

Genny's hand wrap around his throat to soothe the pain from when his uncle choked him, and as he does so he watches Cameron slam his fist into the uncle's face over and over again.

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