19. Revenge and Promises

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Genny steps outside, the wind of late autumn hitting his face. He looks around, spotting Cameron in the same place next to the wall.

Genny is usually sweet and innocent, he doesn't get angry or hold grudges or any type of hate towards anyone, but this time is different. He's raging, he feels his blood boiling as he stomps in Cameron's direction.

He feels panicked; he feels vulnerable and exposed, and to hide that from himself he uses anger.

"DID YOU DO THIS?!" He yells and pushes Cameron's shoulder, the taller boy stumbling back -not because of the weak push but because of the surprise of seeing Genny like this.


"DON'T ACT INNOCENT." The boy shouts and pushes Cameron's shoulder again while in the other hand he holds the photo, almost breaking it to pieces from how hard he's holding onto it.

Cameron lets his cigarette fall on the ground as he tries gripping Genny's shoulders to calm him down. Luckily, there is no one outside the school considering the incredibly cold weather, so no one is seeing their fight.

"I have no fucking idea what you're talking about," Cameron shouts back, his deep voice echoing against the wall next to him. He doesn't want to yell at Genny, he hates doing that, but right now that seems to be the only way to make himself understood to the hysteric boy in front of him.

"THIS, YOU ASSHOLE." Genny screams and slams the photo into Cameron's chest. The man looks down to see a crumpled paper in Genny's frail hand. He looks back up at the boy, seeing that Genny started crying, streams of tears spilling down his hurt face.

Cameron clenches his jaw hearing the heartbreaking sobs, and then he hesitantly takes the photo from Genny's hand, turning it to see the front.

Through his tears and blurry vision, Genny sees Cameron glancing down at the picture and then quickly looking back up at the boy with an angry face.

"I didn't do this." He simply says, trying to not break into a fit of rage. He doesn't know what else to say, he's angry, he feels like he's on fire, and at this moment he feels hungry to murder the person who did this.

Genny takes a deep intake of breath, another sob leaving his body.

"FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU." He screams, punching Cameron's chest over and over again. The man grunts, his heart breaking when seeing Genny so hopeless and angry. He lets the boy take his anger out on him for as long as he wants. Finally, Genny gets tired and stops.

His throat is hurting from crying and shouting, his mind is broken, and he just wants to die.

Cameron's facade completely slips away when Genny crashes into his chest, curling his body into Cameron's as he lets all the pain out, his small hands grabbing at Cameron's t-shirt as if it's the last thing he can hold on to.

"I-I ca-an't remember-r," Genny desperately whimpers through his wailing.

Cameron's heart breaks and tears gather into his eyes as he listens to Genny's sobs. He can't help but wrap his arms around the smaller body, gripping Genny's head and running his hands through the boy's soft hair.

The photo is still crumbled in Cameron's hand that's wrapped around Genny's shoulder, and while holding the crying boy, Cameron notices something written on the back of the paper.

He retreats his arms to bring the photo closer to him and whispers, "There's something written on the back."

Genny takes his head off Cameron's shoulder, wiping his wet cheeks.

Cameron brings the photo low enough so that Genny can also see it. They both look at the small message in the corner.

'7 pm. Wilford's Gas Station. Bring Cameron :)'

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