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Genny is being slammed against a wall as Jack Bernard's lips smash against his own. The boy is trying to keep the pace, but he has never done anything like this before.

He's nervous, and contemplating if he should back up, but he'll do anything to prove to himself that he doesn't need Cameron.

Genny would have never imagined himself in such a situation, hooking up with a jock, losing his first time randomly. He is good, he's not supposed to do this.

Jack places Genny on the desk near them, unbuttoning Genny's pants zipper.

But before anything could happen between them, the door slams open.

It didn't take long for Cameron to figure out what Genny was about to do. And as that thought imprinted deeper into his mind he became angrier by the second. So he didn't hesitate to climb the stairs with a permanent scowl on his face.

It didn't take long for Cameron to find the room the two were in, and when he entered and saw Jack leaning over Genny, he couldn't stop himself from launching at the jock, gripping his jacket and slamming him onto the floor.

"What the fuck, man—" Jack yells, but his words remain unfinished as Cameron grips his collar and slams his fist down onto Jack's cheek.

Genny watches with horror as the sound of Jack's skin tearing apart plays in the background. Everything happened too fast. One second he and Jack were kissing and the next one Cameron enters the room and starts punching Jack out of nowhere.

As shocked as he is, Genny jumps off the table and tries to interfere. By the looks of it, Cameron is planning on murdering Jack.

"Cameron, stop." He pleads, but the dark-haired boy continues letting his rage and jealousy out in punches.

"STOP!" Genny yells, tears starting to gather in his eyes. He has never seen Cameron this miserable way. "STOP. YOU'RE SCARING ME, STOP!" He yells, trying to grip Cameron's arm.

He manages to push Cameron away from the almost passed out Jack. The boy steps between Jack and Cameron, but Cameron doesn't look like he's going to stop anytime soon.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way." Cameron growls.

"Or what?! You're going to hurt me?" Genny exclaims.

"MOVE, NOAH." Cameron screams, clenching his fists at his sides.

"No." Genny stubbornly says, sticking his chin out.

Cameron grunts, and his left hand wraps around Genny's throat, so hard it will probably leave bruises.

Genny silently gasps at the loss of air, but he doesn't lose his stubborn attitude.

"W-what? Are you going to hit me? Hit me, asshole!" He whispers, not able to talk because of the pressure applied to his throat.

"LIKE I'D EVER FUCKING HIT YOU." Cameron yells and lets Genny go, walking towards Jack. Genny grabs his own neck, trying to get his breaths under control.

He watches as Cameron grabs Jack by the shoulder and tugs him towards the door.

He opens it and pushes Jack. "GET THE FUCK OUT." He shouts and hits Jack in the ass with his foot so the blond flies out of the room.

Then he slams the door shut and silence falls.

Cameron doesn't dare to turn around and look at Genny, but the brunette is up for a fight. What just happened is unacceptable.

"What is wrong with you?!" Genny screams, walking in Cameron's direction.

The dark-haired boy still doesn't turn around to face the angry Genny.

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