27. First Times (end of second part)

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Warning!!! Sexual content. Be aware of the danger ahead.

The music was loud and obscene. Genny's ears are throbbing, his eyes squinting as he tries to see through the red and blue lights flickering over the room. This is why he hates parties; they're tiring, loud, and useless.

If Cameron wouldn't be here, Genny would just go upstairs, put his headphones on, and ignore everyone partying downstairs. But Cameron is here, right here holding Genny's smaller hand as they walk through the crowd dancing.

Genny looks around, searching for his friends. He finds them... And now he wishes he didn't. Andy is on the dance floor, twerking very unusually, and Blue is next to him, moving as if he's dancing in a robotic way, if you could even call that dancing.

Genny doesn't judge them, though, because he is not a good dancer either.

Genny and Cameron walk to the couches in the living room, and they sit down. Jeremiah and his boyfriend are there. And there's also Alex, next to them, drowning in alcohol, sad eyes looking around the room.

Cameron tugs Genny after him, feeling a certain unknown feeling as people stare at them, wondering why the bad boy Cameron Howard is holding hands with the nerd.

Cameron feels pride. All past parties he walked in alone, picked some girl or dude, and continued his depressing party routine. He stood down next to his friends and had to watch all night how Jeremiah and Nate acted all lovey-dovey, how everyone was feeling good and laughing while he let a stranger leave disgusting marks on his body.

Now, he has someone too. He has a partner to show and commit to, and he feels proud of that. He feels proud of Genny.

Sitting down on the couch, Genny gets in his shy position, legs bouncing up and down, fingers nervously playing with each other, and shoulders slouched as he curls into Cameron with a blush.

Cameron's friends are all on the couches, and Genny only knows Alex and Jeremiah out of all of them. Yes, he was introduced that day on the tent trip, but he doesn't know them. And they seem cold.

"So, Jennie, this is your party?" A girl that Genny remembers as Ana asks.

Genny widens his eyes, surprised that he is being conversed with.

"Um... i-it's actually Genny, and n-no. My sister did." Genny answers, smiling at her. She nods and goes back to vaping and talking to another one of Cameron's friends Genny can't remember the name of.

Genny looks at the dance floor at Blue, and then back at Alex. It's surprising to see the two separated for even a few seconds.

Genny furrows his brows when he sees Alex with bags under his once bright eyes, his hair greasy, and an alcohol bottle in his frail hands. Genny feels sad when he sees one of his friends sad. If he could even call Alex a friend.

Genny elbows Cameron in the ribcage, and the man looks down with a smile, awaiting for Genny to speak about his problems. Genny, instead, with his head to the side, subtly looks at Alex. Cameron catches the drift. He noticed his friend has been acting different tonight, but he was too busy with Genny to care. That sounds mean, but it really isn't. Priorities.

"Yo, dude." Cameron shouts, and Alex looks at him with dead sullen eyes. "What's going on?"

Alex decides to take another sip from the bottle. He stands up from where he was sitting on the couch opposite Genny and Cameron and walks to sit next to them.

"Blue broke up with me," Alex announces, and Genny's eyes widen. He looks back at the dance floor, at his friend. Blue looks happy and carefree, or that could be the alcohol.

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