16. Enemies or friends

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WARNING! Mention of r*pe.

"Did you hear about the new student?" Andy asks as he rummages through his locker. Blue and Genny are next to him, ready to head to their first class.

Genny looks at his friend with furrowed brows. New student? So he's finally going to stop being a target to all the bullies since he'll no longer be the 'new one'.

"I think it's an opportunity to enlarge our group." Blue smiles as the three advance into the hall.

Andy's and Blue's hangover passed in a day and now the three are back together (to Genny's luck). Yesterday wasn't a bad day (excluding Genny's embarrassing interaction with Cameron in literature class).

Josh was nowhere to be seen, and Genny is slowly starting to like school. (Again, except for his meetings with Cameron).

He would rather be here than at home with his abusive uncle.

While deep in his thoughts, Genny bumps into a shoulder. Well, more of slams than bumps since he sends the other person flying on the floor.

"Dammit, I'm so clumsy." He mutters under his breath and looks at the stranger he just injured. He prepares to apologize as the guy stands up, gathering his books from the floor, but as he opens his mouth, the stranger stops him, saying. "It's alright."

Genny apologetically smiles, still feeling bad. The stranger has black hair with blonde roots, and his face is pretty basic. Handsome nonetheless.

"I'm Aiden. The new kid, if you haven't heard already." He introduces himself with a charming smile, holding his hand for Genny to take. The brunette shyly smiles, reaching forward.

"Genoah. I was the new kid before you." Genny introduces himself.

Not one second passes, and Andy and Blue are next to Genny, introducing themselves.

"Nice to meet you, Aiden. Considering you have no friends, you'll come with us." Andy smiles and takes Aiden's arm, tugging the confused boy after him and showing him around, pointing to people in the halls and telling Aiden about them not bothering to gossip quietly.

Genny and Blue shot each other a knowing look, knowing Andy's too friendly personality, and then follow the two.

After comparing schedules with Aiden, they concluded that Aiden is a year older than all three, so the only time they would be meeting is gym class and lunch.

With a sad smile, the three-part ways with Aiden, and then later with Blue too. So that's how Andy and Genny are alone again, wandering the halls of Creek wood High, each with different people and problems on their minds.


Lunchtime arrives as the friend group of four members wanders down the halls. Andy and Genny had the same previous class and then met with Blue and Aiden afterward so they could all go to lunch.

Aiden is not very extrovert, he's mostly silent despite Andy's continuous questions.

Genny begins to wonder why he changed schools in the last year, and if he'll ever find out more personal details about Aiden.

He seems like he would fit with the popular guys, so maybe this whole new friendship thing won't last long. Maybe the minute they enter the cafeteria Aiden will realize how losers the three are, and he'll go sit at the popular table.

Or maybe he'll stay with the three and become friends.

Only one way to find out.

Andy opens the cafeteria's double doors, analyzing the room to find an empty table.

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