26. Let me show you

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Warning! Sexual things ahead!!

Genny and Cameron are on Genny's bed, Cameron leaning against the headboard with Genny's laptop in his lap, and Genny on his stomach next to him, swinging his legs back and forth while resting his face on his hands.

Cameron is typing on Genny's laptop, searching for a movie.

After school, Victoria, Genny, and Cameron walked together to Cameron's car after Cameron offered them a ride home.

On the way to their neighbourhood, Victoria announced that she wanted to be dropped of at the supermarket to buy things for the party, and then Cameron and Genny arrived to Genny's home, and now, they are searching for a movie.

"I have an idea." Cameron says, and Genny gets out of his daydream to look at Cameron, who, for an unknown reason, is smirking.

"Wot?" Genny mumbles, his words muffled by his hand that's resting on one half of his mouth.

Cameron quickly types something on Genny's laptop, and then a bright light comes over his face from the monitor. Cameron mischievous smiles.

"Come here." He demands and pats the bed next to him. Genny obliges and sits down next to Cameron, leaning forward to read what's written on the laptop screen.

"Kink test." Genny says as his eyes sweep over the letters written in big red letter at the top of the page.

Then, he looks at Cameron with furrowed brows.

Cameron smiles and wraps one of his arms around Genny's waist, bringing the by closer to him, and then he puts that hand back on the keyboard, tapping the 'down' button so that the page scrolls.

"First question. Would you rather be gang banged or have sex with a teacher?" Cameron reads the first question out loud, and Genny widens his eyes.

"What's gang bang?" He asks, knowing that the answer will be something weirdly sexual.

"When you get fucked by multiple men."

"Oh... None." Genny truthfully answers.

"I need to choose one of these answers." Cameron points at the screen where it shows that you can either choose 'gang banged' or 'teacher'.

Genny pouts, feeling uncomfortable. "Teacher." He whispers, and Cameron smirks, checking the answer and then scrolling to the next question.

"Leash or rope?" Cameron reads off the screen, and Genny widens his eyes.

"This website has a lot of audacity to post such scandalous things like these." Genny angrily says, and when Cameron gives him a narrowed look, the boy looks down and quietly answers, "Leash."

"Quite kinky, aren't you?" Cameron teases as he scrolls further down. Genny huffs and crosses his arms.

"Choose between the following: Choking, slapping, hair pulling."

"All...?" Genny hesitates with a blush.

Cameron rolls his eyes and gives Genny another narrowed look, and then he points at the screen to show the answer options, and that they do not include 'All.'

"Ok, fine. Slapping." Genny whispers, ashamed of himself. He is a child of god, he should not like all those things.

Cameron smirks and continues. "Choose between the following: Missionary, cowgirl, full nelson." He says, and then scrolls a bit further so that the drawings of each position are displayed.

Genny's mouth hangs open as he leans a bit forward to get a closer look, and then silent, he points at the third drawing of the nelson position.

"Mm. Interesting." Cameron hums jokingly. "Next question. Top or b-" Cameron starts but then checks the answer 'Bottom' before even getting to ask Genny.

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