33. In the bathroom again

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Warning: Sexual content

The steps are dull on the floor of the high school. Two pair of feet walk close to each other, one belonging to Genny, and one to Andy. They're hand in hand, Andy letting himself be supported by Genny.

They are walking down the hall, and it surprises them both that no one is whispering or looking at them. They both expected whispers, stares, gossiping, but looking closer, Genny notices that some students, a lot of them, have bruises on their faces, probably the result of Cameron's fist. So he was serious when he said he'll beat everyone who says a word.

Genny notices Andy relaxing beside him, and for a second, they both believe that this day won't be so bad as they thought it would, that's until a figure makes his way down the hall, walking straight forward Andy and Genny, who are heading to their first class.

Immediately, Andy turns stone as if he saw a ghost, and considering the figure walking towards them, it's something much worse than a ghost. It's Josh.

Andy grabs Genny's forarm inhumanly tight as he slowly starts to take a few steps back, Genny following him with concern as he gets in front of Andy in case he needs to protect him.

Josh, seeing Andy's states become desperate, his eyes filling with possesivness and determination.

Before Josh can even reach them Andy turns around and sprints down the hall, Genny following him to the exit of the school. Genny has been missing school for the past two days, and the usual him would be panicked about it, but Andy is much more important. If Andy wants to leave, than they'll leave, so they walk back to the bus station in silence and then ride home.

Home. That's how Genny has been calling Andy's house lately. And truly, it became his home. It's more of a home than his uncle's house was. He's safe there, Andy's parents are accepting and awesome, they treat Genny like their own child. They said they're willing to keep Genny until he goes off to college. He finally has a family. And he left the previous one behind.

With Victoria he hasn't talked. He doesn't even think she's in the same town anymore. And to be honest, they distance between them, emotional and physical, doesn't bother Genny. Before the accident, they were strangers. Faulty for that were their different personalities. Genny spent his days in his room, reading, crocheting, writing, and Victoria was out. They never really talked. After the accident, the numbness between them turned into hate.

Genny hated Victoria because it was her fault the accident happened, and Victoria hated Genny because he wasn't there when the accident happened.

She stopped being his sister a long time ago.

Now Genny has a new sibling. Andy. And he'll be there for him.

The sky has turned a dark blue as Genny is resting on his side under the blankets, Andy in front of him in the same position, except that he is peacefuly sleeping.

After coming home Andy had an anger tantrum directed at Josh. Then, to take his mind off things, he and Genny watched a few movies. Andy started crying because of one movie, and then the crying intensified because of Josh and everything that happened added up.

Exhausted, Andy fell asleep and has been sleeping for the past hour while Genny is still lost in his thoughts.

That's until a knock comes from behind Andy's bedroom door.

Genny sits up on the bed, removing the blankets from his body and placing them on Andy instead.

It's late at night, so Genny obviously expects for the person to be Andy's mother or father, but as Genny walks to open the door, and instead sees Cameron standing on the other side, his face falls.

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