17. Baby, please

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Aiden and Genny enter the house that belongs to Jeremiah Leonid, one of the richest guys to attend Creek Wood High. Apparently, Aiden has connections with the people in this town, so it wasn't hard to get two spots at the private party.

"Hi, my homie!" Jeremiah yells and bumps fists with Aiden, doing a little finger dance.

Genny awkwardly stands next to Aiden, not knowing what to do since he doesn't know anyone in the room.

Jeremiah's hazel eyes move onto Genny's form, a smile on his face.

"You got a boyfriend?" Jeremiah asks Aiden, walking into the dancing crowd, leading Aiden and Genny towards a few couches in one corner of the room.

Genny is quick to deny, "N-No, we're just friends." He exclaims, trying to keep up with the taller and faster men so he doesn't get lost in the crowd.

Jeremiah says nothing else as they reach the couches where plenty of other people are chilling. Aiden looks down at Genny with a smirk, making Genny look away. As they reach the couches, Aiden makes space for Genny to sit, and then sits down next to him, a bit too close for Genny's liking. He has always been a fan of personal space.

Without wanting to, Genny glances around the big living room, looking for Cameron.

When he doesn't spot him, a tad of disappointment touches him, but remembering Aiden's horrible words about him, that disappointment turns into ashes of disgust and confusion.

This is supposed to be a fun night, Genny isn't supposed to be thinking about things that hurt him, he's supposed to enjoy himself.

So that's what he does. Turning his head to look at Aiden, he asks him if there's anything non-alcoholic to drink.

"Yeah, they must be in the kitchen. Gonna go grab you some, okay?" Aiden smiles, and Genny nods, watching as Aiden stands up and leaves.

Now he's alone again, and it's awkward, especially with Jeremiah and another guy making out right in front of him.

Genny watches the two kiss with tongue, their hands gripping at each other greedily. They're both wearing football shirts with different numbers on them, and they both look athletic, so they must be teammates on the school's football team.

Genny continues staring, and as the two guys break apart, they catch Genny's spying eyes.

The brunette looks away, embarrassed, and the two guys smile at him.

"Are you two together?" Genny shyly asks, not able to contain his curiosity anymore.

Jeremiah answers, "Yeah, almost one year."

Genny smiles, ashamed of what he's about to ask next. "And everyone is like... okay with it?"

Jeremiah's boyfriends scoffs, "Yeah, pretty much. Except Josh, but the dude is just closeted so he's no problem." The guy says with a deep and rugged voice that contrasts his warm brown eyes.

Genny let's out a quiet 'Oh.'

"Maybe we should have a threesome with him?" Jeremiah jokes.

"Yeah, that'd clear his confusion out." The other guy laughs and then they go back to making out.

The awkward moments for Genny ends as Aiden approaches the couches, one drink in his hand.

"I'm back." He says as he sits back down, handing the drink to Genny.

"What is it?" Genny asks, innocently smelling the liquid like a puppy.

"Grape juice," Aiden answers, leaning back on the couch, watching the side of Genny's face as the brunette spills the drink down his throat.

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