24. Hello Brother

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Genny falls back on the sleeping bag, his back hitting the ground. His eyes widen as Cameron leans over him, their lips still pressed against each other.

Genny is surprised, how could he not be? All the past times he tried to kiss Cameron, the man never kissed back. And now, suddenly, Cameron is the one initiating it.

Genny becomes even more surprised when Cameron bites on his bottom lip, making Genny gasp, and as his mouth opens, Cameron's tongue slips in.

Genny wiggles under Cameron as he feels the wetness of Cameron's tongue touch his.

This is the first time he ever felt someone else's tongue. It's surprising. Especially since it's Cameron.

Genny always saw himself ending together with some manipulative dude that plays games all day and smells like Cheetos. He always thought that he will end up having his first times with some unattractive asshole, because that kind of person was what Genny settled for because he thought that's all he deserved.

He never thought someone as beautiful and great as Cameron would ever look in his direction. In the direction of a nerdy chubby guy that can barely form two words in front of strangers and that eats too much.

But as Cameron grabs at Genny's thighs and hips with so much gentleness and hunger, Genny thinks that maybe his body isn't as bad as he thinks it is.

All life Genny has lived in insecurity, but feeling someone kissing him with so much hunger makes him a tad more confident, so he grips Cameron's neck and pushes him further down, tugging at his nape hair.

Cameron smirks when he sees that Genny is giving in and actually responding to the touches.

Since the moment Cameron touched lips with Genny, Genny hasn't responded. He froze and remained a statue, and Cameron started feeling uneasy, thinking that maybe he went too far kissing him without consent and out of nowhere.

But now, as Genny is grabbing at Cameron's hair like a desperate baby, and arching into him, Cameron knows he's doing something right, so he continues.

After a few minutes, Cameron holds himself back, letting the two of them breathe.

Genny, on the other hand, doesn't agree with that decision and tries grabbing at Cameron's jaw to pull him back down.

Cameron chuckles, his eyes sweeping over Genny's red face and wet lips, and then he sweetly kisses the side of his mouth, thinking that they should slow down.

Cameron is the type of guy to be direct. He always gets to the point when it comes to sex or just make outs. Usually, he doesn't go slow, or sweet, but with Genny is different.

Different in a way that Cameron can't explain.

Or maybe he can, he just doesn't want to admit that the reason he is so careful with Genny is that he loves him.

Genny whines when Cameron slides one hand under his sweater, rubbing the warm skin of his waist.

This went from an innocent and unexpected kiss to a full make out, and Genny isn't sure he can handle so much right now.

So, he places his shaky hands on Cameron's chest, signaling that he wants a bit of space. Cameron is big, and muscular, and Genny can barely breathe properly under him.

Cameron tugs at Genny's bottom lip sensually before he lifts himself off the boy.

He places both his palms on either side of Genny's heads, and holds himself on his hands and knees on top of Genny who is unhealthily red.

He smirks, raising an eyebrow as Genny starts running his hand up and down Cameron's arms, squeezing his biceps.

Genny looks up, biting his bottom lip. Seeing Cameron lean like that over him, hair falling over his heated eyes, necklace hanging down and touching Genny's chin, muscles flexing, Genny really can't control himself anymore.

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