14. Strangers again

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The light are blinding Genny's path as the brunette is struggling to pass through sweaty bodies, Andy behind him. Unknown degenerate music plays in the background, and it certainly isn't Genny's taste. At all.

But apparently everyone else at the party seems to enjoy the beat since they're dancing like crazy.

He doesn't want to be here, it is the last place he wants to be in.

Some might wonder, if it is the worst place ever, why would Genny be there?

The answer is a simple one. Andy and Blue convinced him to come.

And then some might wonder, if Genny is so smart and independent, why would he listen to his friends?

Now, this question has a much more complicated answer. Let's just say that Andy's and Blue's nagging is not the only reason for Genny's presence at a high school party. Let's just say that there might be another reason that made Genny accept to come along; and the reason is to forget a certain dark-haired bad boy Genny can't get out of his mind.

Halloween night was weird, more certainly the parts Genny can remember. But what was weirder was the morning after.

Flashback (morning after Halloween night)

Genny's head is throbbing. Actually melting. It is literally melting. Genny stands up, clutching both of his hands at his skull, trying to stop the pain.

The pain isn't his first concern though, his full bladder is. He jumps from the bed, a pain stabbing his lower tummy. He runs towards the bathroom, only to find out that this isn't his room.

He stands in the middle of the carpet, looking around with panic in his eyes while holding between his legs so he doesn't pee right here and now.

His eyes land on Cameron who is sitting on the bed, shirtless, the sheets pooling at his waist. His hair is messy on his head, and dark circles rest under his eyes.

Genny's eyes widen as he takes the situation in.

He looks down at his own body, noticing that his legs are covered by only underwear and that his body is covered by a t-shirt that isn't his.

"Did we-?" Genny cries out, jumping a bit to hold his pee in.

"Did I fuck you? No." Genny gasps and Cameron's bluntness. "You got drunk so I brought you here and changed your clothes."

'He changed my clothes?' Genny thinks, looking down at his bare feet, his mind immediately thinking of his bruises and if Cameron saw them. He obviously saw them, they're everywhere.

The brunette really doesn't have time to overthink this. His bladder is about to explode.

"I really need to pee." He cries out, jumping from leg to leg. Cameron points to the left and Genny runs out of the room and into the hall.

As the boy empties himself in the bathroom, he looks into the distance, trying to find something through all the throbbing in his head.

Then it all crashes down onto him.

He remembers getting between Cameron's legs, he remembers kissing him, he remembers the taste of cigarettes on his soft lips, the smell of alcohol coming from both of them, the moonlight, the rough material of the rug beneath him.

He remembers everything.

He buries his head in his hands as he sits on the toilet seat, terror running through his veins.

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