18. Photograph

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Tuesday comes as Genny and Aiden enter the gym locker room. After yesterday's morning, Genny hasn't seen Cameron at all, but that is about to change this time since Cameron is most definitely in the locker room.

And even if he weren't, Genny would still see him on the field. But just like Aiden told him many times before 'Just ignore him.' So that's what Genny will do.

Andy and Blue are sitting on the benches in the back of the room, and luckily, Genny has already changed clothes in the bathroom because he felt more comfortable doing so especially after what has happened.

"Hi." The brunette greets his other two friends, not daring to look in their eyes. He doesn't know how to tell them, he probably never will, especially since Blue is together with Cameron's best friend.

That leads to the question if Alex knows, if he was part of it, or if he would hurt Blue like Cameron hurt Genny. Maybe it's better to tell them, maybe that will keep them safe. But every time he intends to open his mouth and confess, or type the letters into a message, he never finds the courage to finish it.

As Andy starts a conversation with Aiden, Genny looks away, drowning in his own thoughts and worries.

The class starts as the coach enters the room, blowing into the whistle, and all the athletic kids including the football team run out of the door and out on the field.

Between them, Genny spots Jeremiah, and he immediately follows the man, leaving his friend group behind.

The only things Genny can remember from that night was going to a party, and Jeremiah greeting them at the door. Then it's all blank. He doesn't remember what he drank, what he ate, if he danced, nothing.

He's sure he didn't drink alcohol because the next day he wasn't hangover, and he didn't smell of it, so he was most certainly drugged, and that drug caused memory loss. That's the only logical explanation.

So now, Genny hurries towards Jeremiah, hoping that the man knows something, or that maybe he saw something.

Jeremiah is fast even when walking normally, so Genny must run to reach him.

As they stand face to face, Jeremiah looks down at Genny with a surprised face.

"Genny? Hi, man." Jeremiah holds his fist up, expecting a fist bump, but Genny looks around awkwardly, so Jeremiah lets his hand fall next to his body.

"What's up?" Jeremiah asks. The two are a few feet away from the other people that are on the field, and Genny appreciates that Jeremiah took time away from his team training to listen to him.

"I wanted to ask you something."

Jeremiah nods, listening.

"So... um... the night of the party, did you see me leaving upstairs with anyone, or doing anything?" Genny asks, not knowing how to formulate the question without giving out how he woke up.

"Do you want me to get Nate here? He can answer too." Jeremiah suggests, but it only makes Genny more confused.

"Who's Nate?"

"My boyfriend. You met him last night." Jeremiah answers.

"Oh... I don't remember a lot, that's why I'm asking you."

Jeremiah furrows his brows suspiciously. "Ok then. So I led you to the couch, and then I started making out with Nate, and then you asked us if we were together, I answered, and we went back to making out. I didn't even notice you left the couch. And then I went with Nate upstairs to... you know. I saw nothing."

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